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Newbie Intro


Well Known Member
Hi everyone. My name is Myron Nelson and I'm in Mesa Arizona. I hope to join your ranks soon. I am weeks away from pulling the trigger on a "ten". One of the reasons I am choosing the Van's product is because I recognize the incredible value of an owner's group like this. I have some questions that I will address in separate threads but wanted to introduce myself a bit since a lot of you seem to know each other quite well.
I am a SWA Captain, all civilian, and have kept my CFI current for 25ish years.
I currently own a TB-9 Socata Tampico which is kept at Mesa Falcon Field. FFZ
I bought the aircraft to teach my son to fly and even though he is now flying a Brazilia at SkyWest, I haven't been able to bring myself to get rid of "Tammy" just yet.
I have enjoyed the Socata aircraft very much and we have a great owner's group forum much like this one. www.socata.org
One of the things that amazed me about the RV-10 was how similar it is in many ways to the TB's. There are a couple of TB design features that I would like to explore incorporating into my -10 project which I will address in later threads.
Now that I have selected the make and model of the kit (QB) I am in the process of fleshing out the build features that I want.
I am leaning at this point to the AeroSport IO-540. I like reliability and commonality, and am not into testing alternative or exotic ideas.
My goal is for an IFR aircraft that isn't laden with a bunch of expensive overkill. In almost 20K hours, it really is amazing how little hard IFR or approaches to minimums there is an opportunity to fly in the real world. Although, I have to say that when I was trying to get my son some actual experience, we once flew an NDB to minimums at our local airport and when the tower told us we were only the second aircraft to land all day and the first was a Gulfstream, we were strutting like peacocks for quite some time.
Also, the first time I shot a HUD approach in the 737 to CATIII mins, we ended up logging five approaches below CATI in that single day (SMF-PDX-GEG-SEA-SMF). That was another day to feel macho but the truth still is that in reality there is precious little true IFR weather out there and an approach to minimums is a rare experience even for us full timers.
I was lucky enough to have bought a chunk of Garmin stock when it was still cheap so I am going to let them buy their own product for me, so to speak, although I doubt it will be the 900x.
Living in Arizona, air conditioning will be a must. I am also quite comfort and convenience oriented and am willing to trade some weight and performance to give ourselves and our guests a nicer ride. I will definitely be interested in sound deadening applications, both passive and active.
Although I come from the flying side, I am still looking forward the building part. (not enough to order the ****-***** though). We just finished the detached garage/shop last week in anticipation of this venture.
I look forward to absorbing from the brain trust and hope I don't bore you with too many neophyte questions.
Welcome aboard, Myron. Alex DeDominicis has an air conditioning unit in his RV-10 - his email is 'alex at rvtraining dot com' and uses the account 'Alex D' in these forums.

Another Az -10 builder

Welcome Myron,

There are a few (5 that I know of) RV-10's being built in the 'valley' and a couple others in the state. (one close to flying in Yuma and another in progress in Prescott) undoubtedly there are others as well. I know of 2 projects that are based @ Falcon. I'm in the latter stages of 'finishing' my project. You are welcome to come and visit anytime. I'm still in my garage, but will be moving to paint and then to a hangar for final assembly (@ Falcon) in the not too distant future. I live in Anthem feel free to come by and chat, I've been through most of the decisions and am happy to discuss what I've learned through the process. I leave later this week for some transition training in OR. I've got a website that I keep updated : http://deemsrv10.com/index.html
E-mail me @ [email protected] for my phone number if you care to chat some. I can probably provide contact info for the other 'local' builders.
Thanks for the welcome. I ordered the tool kit today and look forward to starting the most expensive aluminum tool box on the planet.
p,s, I don't mess with the Hooters girls. I haven't seen one yet worth half my retirement. The best invention on the 737 is the (now reinforced) cockpit door.
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I agree with your comparison to the Socatas. I learned to fly in the Tampico and have spent most of my time flying the Tobago and Trinidad. I love those planes and I too felt the transition would be comfortable. The performance characteristics will be closer to the Trinidad, save the retractable gear. Cabin space from what I have seen is a good deal better in the RV-10. Funny, I also built a new detached garage for the project. Good Luck!