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New VAF member...Hope to be a RV owner in the new future

Hi everyone. My name is Jonathan and I live in NC. I am a private pilot since 2004 and am wanting to soon get my instrument. Most all of my time up until this point has been in Pipers (Archer/Arrow and Dakota) but I started out with about 10 hours of training in a 172 but as fate would have it I was switched one night to the archer due to maintenance on the Cessna and immediately fell in love with a low wing and haven't looked back. I recently did a basic intro to aerobatics ride in a Decathlon and immediately realized it was something I wanted more of! I have always had the dream of owning my own plane but the maintenance aspect of it always scared me away. I spent about 6 years as the lead mechanic on professional race teams and wrenching on my own cars and just cringe at the thought of having to pay large amounts of money to someone for work I am very capable of doing myself. I then happened upon an RV8 and its lucky owner at a local field and he open my eyes to the experimental world which I had never really looked at before. I found this forum and have been doing a lot of reading lately and even found a local member (Bill-fixnflyguy) and he was gracious enough to invite me to his field and show me around and look over his plane and offer me a ride sometime in the near future when schedules and weather permits. As of now I have not been up in an RV but from reading and watching YouTube I am fairly certain a ride will only make me want one that much more. With my current schedule (and lack of patience to get in and fly) I have elected to search for a completed plane. The misses doesn't want to be stuck in the back so I will be looking for a 6 or 7 so she can be up front. But it seems the RV will fit the bill perfectly for what I am looking for in a plane. I want something fast for long trips, IFR capable to do my training as well as fly some light IFR, Aerobatic and economical. Being able to tinker and upgrade myself is a huge plus. I look forward to the new friends I will make on here and the information available.

Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.... And for anyone wondering about the screen name... No it wasn't a typo, it is for the 1994 Mazda Rx7 that I currently have and have decided to put up for sale to use as the down payment on the RV... Anyone who knows me realizes how huge of a decision that is for me! I have owned that car for over 16 years and learned how to work on cars by wrenching on it, the largest project of which was installing an Ls1 out of a 2002 Corvette in the originally rotary powered car. It is a car I thought I would keep forever but have recently realized I would get more use and enjoyment out of a plane. But the trading of the car for a plane will only make the RV purchase that much more special and a must that I find the right plane that I will be happy with.
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Hey Jonathan,

Welcome to the board! It should be an easy jump from what you've flown to a 6 or 7, though you will want to get some transition training for safety's sake.

I hear you on the pain of selling a car to help finance the aircraft. Coincidentally, my sacrifice was my LS1-powered Porsche 914.

There's almost nothing you can't find here with the search engine, but if that fails, lots of friendly folks here that will respond quickly. Good luck!
Welcome to VAF. Mike will be along shortly for the official welcome.

I am currently RVless, but hopefully that won't last long. I'm sure you'll get many offers on here.
Thanks Doug! To add even more coincidence... The race team and shop I managed was Porsche specific! Most of my experience is with 996's and 997's but I have worked on my fair share of 914's also!
When I bought my RV, I relentlessly sold my 1999 Corvette FRC, which I had since brand new. Sure, I miss it but ever time I strap the RV on I feel so much better. I did acquire a 1926 Ford model T touring so that helps a bit. Just a tad bit slower. ;)

Welcome to the world of experimental, it's facsinating!
Welcome to VAF!

Hi everyone. My name is Jonathan and I live in NC.

Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself....

aboard the good ship VAF.
welcome to the club, gave this up to finish mine...so sad, so glad....to have an RV!

The only caution I will throw out is if you buy pre-built then you won't be eligible for the repairman certificate. Do your research on what you will be allowed to do for the maintenance.
The only caution I will throw out is if you buy pre-built then you won't be eligible for the repairman certificate. Do your research on what you will be allowed to do for the maintenance.

Anyone can work on an EAB aircraft. To sign off a Conditional Inspection however requires the builder (Repairman Certificate) or an A&P.

I suspect some A&Ps are more open to doing Conditional Inspections on experimental aircraft than others.

Here is a link for reference: http://www.eaa.org/en/eaa/aviation-...equently-asked-questions/condition-inspection

The only caution I will throw out is if you buy pre-built then you won't be eligible for the repairman certificate. Do your research on what you will be allowed to do for the maintenance.

Anyone is allowed to do any and all maintenance/repairs/mods/etc on any homebuilt, and sign off the work. The only thing we can't do without the 'repairman' certificate, is sign off the annual condition inspection.

flying purchased homebuilts since 1992
Of course you are correct in doing the repair. I should have stated more clear that he won't be able to sign the annual off himself. Thanks for keeping me honest.
Welcome to the club. My wife calls my RV-7 the Flying Car. I sold my baby to get the money to pay for flying baby. Have not thought twice about my decision. I might regret it in 25 years when my car is worth $100K more but until then I'm going to have a lot of fun in my plane without worrying about getting a ticket :D
Thanks for the info everyone. Seems I am in good company with people selling some pretty nice cars to get into an RV... Yesterday I went back to see my new friend Bill Englert (fixnflyguy) and he took me up for a short flight in his 4 and it was love from the moment the wheels left the ground! What an absolutely AMAZING plane! I am thinking I may even have to convince the misses that riding in the back is the way to go! You feel so connected sitting on the centerline that I may not want a side by side... And add in the fact that you can find some really nice 4's in the low to mid $40's, I may decide to go that route. I would like to try out a 6 or 7 to be sure but I really did love it!
I had to do it too..

I sold my beautiful 1972 Detomaso GT-5 pantera which I had painstakenly built from the ground up to fund my RV-4. I knew the trade-off would be worth it, but since I had to build my -4, the payback took about 15 years..it was still worth it! Now, maybe I can find another Pantera project some day. Jonathan is definately "RV hooked" complete with the grin!