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New guy from Colorado


I'm New Here

My name is Milo, new to the Vans RV and the VAF Forums.

Really excited to be getting into an RV and looking for whatever tips or advice folks can offer. Feel free to chime in with anything.

I have yet to purchase an aircraft.

Bit about myself: about a 200 hr Private Pilot, mostly mountain flying time at altitude. I've got just under 1000 hours overseas in Reconnaissance aircraft working, navigating, communicating and doing "other" stuff I cannot chat about. flown all types of stuff, but most of my hours are in a good ol' 172 XP, with 195 hp and a 182. Great little planes. Most notable thing i've had time in is an Extra 330, which I got to get some aerobatic training in. Awesome.

Basically when it comes to aircraft, the RV-6a I think is the one that fits my mission. Either that or the 7a.

here's where i'm at. I've got a budget, and some needs and wants of course.

I'll just say that anything over 75k is simply too much, and based on that number I think the needs and wants can be met. obviously all paperwork, inspections and other pertinent documents need to be in order, few things I'd like to find in an aircraft are these:

Lower total time and Time SMO on engine maybe 1000 or less.
Lycoming 180hp minimum- W/ Fuel injection. I much prefer FI to a carb in the mtns.
CS prop, but I could settle for a FP propeller if I had to.
steam gauges and hopefully some glass on the panel. if not I could install some.
IFR cert, Aerobatic cert
professional paint, decent interior.

Am I on track with my wants for an RV at this price range? perhaps I can spend less.

Also, I am very interested in getting some stick time and getting transition trained quite soon. Being based in CO, (and yes I've researched the forums and listings here on the site) does anyone know whom may be the closest option or the best to go get some training with?

Cheers, looking forward to being a part of the VAF community and getting into a Vans RV soon!

- Milo
Welcome to VAF!


My name is Milo, new to the Vans RV and the VAF Forums.


Cheers, looking forward to being a part of the VAF community and getting into a Vans RV soon!

- Milo

Milo----welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Welcome Milo
7a, good choice:D

Not interested in building? Several building and finished in Colorado. Lots of local support.
Milo----welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Welcome Milo
7a, good choice:D

Not interested in building? Several building and finished in Colorado. Lots of local support.

Thanks for the welcome fellas.

To answer your question wirejock, yes not interested in building. The usual excuses- time, space, experience etc.

Just looking to pick up a well sorted plane and learning to fly it well. Anywhere I should start with our local support?

Ditto what Larry said...

...joining your local EAA Chapter will likely put you in touch with RV flyers, builders, maintainers (very important) and, ultimately, sellers.
Based on what I have seen for sale the past year or so, you shouldn't have any problem staying within budget for a 6A while getting all you are looking for. The loaded 7A's seem to get a few dollars more.
is it me or are most of these RV's im seeing for sale Carb'd versus Fuel Injected?

any reason for that other than perhaps cost?

seems to me like the Fuel Injected aircraft would be the way to go.. at least most of the aircraft i currently fly are all FI.
