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New Dynon product


Well Known Member
Anybody that's going to Arlington for the NW Fly-in should stop in at the Dynon booth. They're showing off a new toy. They'll have it at Osh as well.

I didn't ask about it, but they were displaying an EFIS that had a similar form factor as the GRT (e.g. a landscape layout maybe 6-7 in across). It was only showing attitude information, no GPS, HITS, NAV, Engine info. I didn't ask about it so it may support these things... The display unit did not have a working gyro, it was displaying a canned demo. I'll be back on Saturday and get some more information.

I really thought Dynon would post something on thier web page. I guess they're waiting to make a big splash at OSH. Now I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of it.

It's basically their EFIS-D10A on a larger screen. It is amazingly sharp and rock-solid. The form factor is much more shallow, so it won't take up so much room behind the panel. The price is only a couple hundred more than the EFIS-D10A and includes the remote compass.

The Dynon rep in the booth said they are working on some cool features in conjunction with their engine monitor, i.e. being able to display engine info on 1/3 of the EFIS screen. That won't be available in the first release, but will be a software update later. They are also working on a larger screen engine monitor.

It's true that the other units out there (Blue Mountain, Grand Rapids, etc.) have lots of fancy features, but the Dynon is (in my opinion) a solid flight instrument at a reasonable price. Adding a GPS (panel or handheld) covers most of the useful features of the fancier units.

Anyone know if you can plug and play replace with the current 10A? That would be a great feature.

Darwin N. Barrie
Their web page does make mention of a larger EFIS type system that is coming in the future. Is this it?
my dad saw it today at Arlington-- said they have a unit with a bigger screen.

I'll check it out tomorrow.
For $200.00 more exactly, they have the D100 that is about (at least) twice the size screen of the D10A. All functions are exactly the same, except that the D100 will, in the future, have the ability to show EIS info. on it (in a split screen format) if you have the EIS elsewhere on the panel as well. Looks like a GREAT deal. Also, the EIS will also come in the larger size within the year. Info. straight from the booth at Arlington today. A lot of D10/D10A owners I think will wish they had waited for the D100 (if they have the panel space), but then isn't that like technology in general?! Definitely a reason to wait to buy instruments until the LAST minute.
They actually had the prototype of the larger screen at Oshkosh, either two or three years ago (I forget) and they called it the D-20 then.

I was an early adopter on the D-10 and don't regret it for a second. But you're right- wait until the last possible instant to buy any panel goodies.

Jeff Point
Milwaukee WI
That is one reason I chose TruTrak for my auto pilot. They will give you most if not all your purchase price back if you want to trade up later. With technology changing on a daily basis this is very important to me.
Discalaimer: I am very biased as I sell molded parts and build tooling for TruTrak. That said, I would buy from them regardless of my business dealings with them.

Jim Wright RV-9A wings Arkansas

Can't wait to find out if it will retro fit for the 10A. Probably not due to the size. I held out as long as possible.

I have the Tru Trak turn and bank. I was told they are going to add pitch to it and would upgrade mine for the cost difference. Not bad!! Good company to work with.

DArwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
Panel depth for the D100 was much less than the D10A. It looked like the D100 was only about 4 inches deep. It does, however, require a MUCH bigger panel cut-out, so retrofit options are limited.