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New builder Prekote question


Well Known Member
So Im a new rv-14 builder and just primed my vertical stabilizer today. One problem I ran into was that when I prekote'd and scrubbed the parts clean the markings I made was removed. This marking was not only the part identifier but also position markings (aft/left etc). What do you guys do to mark parts while cleaning? I guess I could carefully clean the part then set on a piece of paper that notes the position. Once it dried I can mark it again, what do you think?
I use a electopencil. It is visible after to prime parts too, which is nice. Vans discusses it in the plans at the beginning and says thats an acceptable method. They advise against using a scribe or anything that sratches the metal.
I use metal number tags, I also take photos to confirm orientation and as a backup reference.. Bought them on eBay


An example of a productive day ... I try to do a large number of parts at once as it's time consuming to set up everything and the primer is expensive if you mis-judge the amount required.

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Before cleaning, l've put all the parts that are likely to get mixed up on a flat surface and then made a diagram of what part is in each position. After cleaning each part, l put it back in the same position indicated on the diagram. I didn't do this for every part--just stuff that I wouldn't be able to identify after cleaning.
I guess I could carefully clean the part then set on a piece of paper that notes the position. Once it dried I can mark it again, what do you think?

I saved the packing paper from the crate and did exactly this. Laid the pieces out on the paper, marked the pieces on the paper, Prekoted, then replaced each piece in its original spot.
Similar to another suggestion, I just use small zip ties to label the top of one of a pair of components which might get confused. If you remember which one you tag, it works out fine. Zip ties are cheap and unaffected by solvents used in cleaning and painting.
Thanks guys, great suggestions. Now if I can just get the air/Azko mixture correct I'll be in business for the rudder. My vs came out grainy, I read this is due to too much air. All in all its came out pretty good, just not as smooth as I was hoping for.