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Never take someone flying...

Wow (I'm being restrained and polite for an Australian). That looks blo*dy cold (and flat). Never seen so much snow, not on a mountain.
Wow (I'm being restrained and polite for an Australian). That looks blo*dy cold (and flat). Never seen so much snow, not on a mountain.

G'Day Mate. That looks like a warm day to me.;)

Nice landing! I don;t know Pete, but he can chew gum and land a plane at the same time. A talented guy.;)
Hey, John, that's not cold, it's hot and the white stuff is salt.... :D ... just like along the Oodnadatta track....

Oh Boy!

That first one was my VERY short field technique. (VERY abrupt, too) It was even worse from the cockpit. The absolute worst part is Kate was with me and her only comment was "REAL NICE, Dad" In a very unflattering tone.

I will say that I used FAR less runway than anyone else that day.:p

Oh well, not many guys are lucky enough to have 2 seriously talented camera guys among their flying friends. There will be more to come.

Note to self - Invite Forrest to go flying........
Remember Pete: Forrest and I are ALWAYS watching...which means everyone else will be too! :D

Don't worry, we'll get some fun landing videos of Forrest as soon as he finishes his -9!

- Peter
Pete - Stall

I'd love to see a stall from the cockpit - just to see what the 9 and 10 stall like.


Hi Bob

We can do that. It is a complete non-event in the -9A. My 10 yr old daughter requests stalls when we go flying. The AOA starts beeping and then the nose bobs up and down as you fly in and out of the stall. You just mush along - just need to watch it b/c you are sinking pretty good.

If the wx warms up and clears we'll get some stalls, and other stuff.
As long as we're on the subject, here's Pete landing at the MN VAF picnic in September... He's not too proud of this one, but he hasn't asked me to go fly in a long time so...


Here he is taking off....


And landing again back at ANE one evening in August...


Forrest, perhaps for landing technique enlightenment purposes, you could find the clip you took of my landing at that picnic...:cool: Only problem is, I'm not sure what I did - maybe I kept my eyes closed? :eek:
I'd love to see a stall from the cockpit - just to see what the 9 and 10 stall like.

Bob -

We'll film some stalls in both coordinated and uncoordinated flight. I can vouch for Pete's comments about stalls. The -6 is no different. ...except when the ball isn't centered! :eek:

- Peter
Video stuff

I have Alex landing (I think) from the other end of the runway (calm winds). As I recall it was a pretty slick soft-field style touchdown. Honestly, I think Pete ran into a loss-of-thermal (or something like that) on his approach. As soon as he crosses the edge of the corn it's like the bottom drops out.

I also have in the cockpit of Pete stalling his 9 for me. A non event really. You can see the AOA lights creeping up then we just sort of harrier there for a moment.

I will try and get them both up sometime today.

As far as me ending up on-camera bouncing one in - looking forward to it!!!

Forrest, great video, thanks. If anyone wants to know how to make a good landing like that, don't ask me... The landing actually occurs before you see the wings rock - that was from rolling over ripples in the field. It was one of those "oh, I hear the wheels rolling" types of landings.
Here's Pete's 9 stalling:


Here is Alex Peterson landing at the VAF MN picnic: Sweeeet!



You know, this is a pet peve of mine, but that's pretty dangerous. I don't see you look once to the right side for traffic. Mid airs happen and you have very little time to manuever even if you catch it in time. Most who have not been in a midair yet are most likely just lucky due to the big sky theory.

Keep your head on swivel at all times please and fly safe!
Re assurance

The reality is that we had been maneuvering in the space for bout 1/2 hour. Multiple "clearing turns" prior to this stall demo and we were on our reverse track back to ANE. Alex Peterson orbiting us. Traffic alerts on the panel and even through you can't see his eyes, I guarantee you Pete was looking past me (on the right) frequently. It's a sixty second clip from a one-hour flight that was many layers think with good heads-up piloting, I assure you.

You know, this is a pet peve of mine, but that's pretty dangerous. I don't see you look once to the right side for traffic. Mid airs happen and you have very little time to manuever even if you catch it in time. Most who have not been in a midair yet are most likely just lucky due to the big sky theory.

Keep your head on swivel at all times please and fly safe!

You know, this is a pet peeve of mine. When someone goes out of their way to contribute to this on-line community of builders and someone else tries to find a reason to light them up.

The real value of a community like this is the people that contribute to it. If you want to make people think twice before posting here keep it up. Lets try and ENCOURAGE each other and enjoy the posts for what they are not look for faults.

...and no wintaki, if you post a landing video or something similar, I will not criticize your flying even if I see something that I may do differently.

- Peter

Fortunately, as usual, the negative is in the minority. You get 12 thumbs up from me and thanks!

I had no idea what the stall was like on a 9 or 10 - seeing it really helped solidify my mind on the design. The factory told me if I was in a 9 just close my eyes and I wouldn't know the difference in the stall series between that and a 10.

I started building a 9 years ago and stalled during the build (I know - no pun intended), in large part while waiting for the 10 to be finalized. Of coure several moves, etc got in the way and I still haven't gotten back. I still haven't flown in an RV of any type.

Thanks for the lesson!

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