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Need an opinion - Holes lining up on the HS-710/714


Well Known Member
After working through the instructions for the HS front spar...I was quite pleased with how things went together. I had great edge distances on my HS-00005/00006 ribs, doublers, etc. However...when I reached the last steps in Horizontal Stabilizer Front Spar Assembly...I began to notice all my holes in the HS-710/714 do not exactly line up all that nice.

In retrospect...I can attribute some of this is due to holes are being drilled from the front, some from the back, some are marked on rib flanges, of course Im drilling through some thick material with a hand drill....so a couple of degrees off when drilled from the backside can look a bit worse on the front.

Should I be worried that it looks a little like a dogs breakfast....or is this acceptable given the circumstances?

UPDATE: Called Vans....Nothing to worry about....Build on!
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