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Mystery Airport


Well Known Member
In the middle of nowhere I see three groomed dirt runways and a fancy hangar home. Any idea where is it and who is the owner? :unsure:

mystery airport - 1.jpeg
In the middle of nowhere I see three groomed dirt runways and a fancy hangar home. Any idea where is it and who is the owner? :unsure:

View attachment 65130
Lucin, Utah - been over it several times, but now get to learn something!
One aircraft is based at the field
The address of owner/manager shows an FAA registration hit for a C172K, owned by Ivoprop Corp, manufacturer of proprietary in-flight electric and grand adjustable props.
Couldn't connect KAT LLC with Ivoprop.....

Salt Lake City
RV10 - built, flying
Murphy Moose -building
AirNav shows it has a VOR (LCU) on the field. It would appear the owner is no slacker - but then again, only two of the three runways are listed there, "dirt, in poor condition." Maybe that's to discourage the Ruski riff-raff from getting any ideas about trying it.

Let us know if you meet Ivo, and if you survive the encounter. Utahans in the outback might not take kindly to suspected claim-jumping trespassers.
Established in 1943 so definitely a government project out there. Even comes with an alien landing field at the two o'clock position in the picture 😜
I'm sure Dan knows the story but y'all should read up on Ivo, a true pioneer in experimental aviation. Designed and built an ultralight, then used it to escape communism. Went on to establish Ivoprops, and now lives in the hanger on that abandoned airfield in the middle of the Utah desert. Truly enjoying the freedom he worked so hard to get.

Edit- I didn't realize Dan had provided a perfect link (y)
Ivo Z brings his 172 into Ogden (KOGD) for maintenance every now and again. It's painted in green/brown/black camo. Can't miss it.
What an interesting guy. I have been through that part of the country and it is pretty desolate. Better make sure the runway is useable before going - it is a long way to Wells for fuel if it isnt!