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My son's first flight


Well Known Member
So, it's actually been about three and a half years since I took my (then) three year old son for his first flight in our RV-7. I took some video at the time, but never got around to editing it into something watchable. I finally finished it today. Enjoy!


In somewhat related news, my boy has a two month old little sister anxiously awaiting her first flight, as well. Please welcome Rhyan Alice Kendrick.


In reality, her first flight will probably be a lot earlier than his and in the Bonanza family hauler. Maybe her first RV flight will be at the same age!
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it's truly special. every sight and sensation is new to him. we all had it at one time. the wonder of it all. thanks for sharing.

I love that you used the music from the Rocketeer. Great soundtrack for such a magical experience for him! I hope to see a video of him in the left seat in about 9 yrs :)
thanks for sharing

I have a grandson the same age (and granddaughter the same age as well) who also loves airplanes but grampa hasn't given him his first ride ....yet!.....truely special, thanks or sharing even though some time has passed by.....not sure who had the biggest RV grin..? :)
Congratulations! Enjoy every minute of it... Before you know it THEY will be taking YOU for ride in your own plane! (Also very special of course!)
Thanks everybody! It was a fun flight! We've had quite a few more since then including stuff like a day trip to Disneyland. I'll have to put together a video of all his other flights. Here's a photo from something more recent.


I'm looking forward to doing it all over again with my daughter!
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Fixed it. I think I copied the link before I put the photo in my VAF shared album.