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more registration questions


Well Known Member
I'm assembling my registration paperwork and wondering what others have done with regards to their spouse. For our Cessna the wife and I are listed as Co-Owners when we filled out the 8050-1. I was planning to do the same for the RV-10 kit.

What do I put on the Affidavit of Ownership 8050-88 for the "name of owner" field? Would I list both of us "Last, Me, I., Last, Her, I." and we both sign the form or does only one of us need to be listed on the 8050-88?

Another issue... I can not find the N-Number reservation letter I received from the FAA for the last reservation renewal either. I planned to print out the inquiry results from the FAA website and send that in with my paperwork. What I'm most worried about though is I reserved the number as "Ben Westfall" with an old address where as my registration will be "Benjamin C. Westfall" with a different address. I'm wondering how much heartburn, if any, this will cause?

I recommend you contact your DAR and ask their advice. I am in lower MI and mine offered if I have any questions how to fill out any forms to call him. He said that is what I pay him for.
we have a winner

I recommend you contact your DAR and ask their advice. I am in lower MI and mine offered if I have any questions how to fill out any forms to call him. He said that is what I pay him for.

Thanks I took your suggestion and called the DAR I plan to use. Not sure why I didn't think of that. I'm just getting into the registration part so hadn't even contacted him yet. It was a good ice breaker and he graciously answered my questions on our first phone call.

For the record (what we discussed and he felt was accurate)...

1) The registration is separate from the other forms and the 8050-88 should only need my signature.

2) He didn't feel the N-Number registration difference of formal name and the address change would cause a problem. His advice was to include a note explaining the difference so they would not be left guessing.