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More Oshkosh reporting


Well Known Member
It just keeps gettin' better, both in terms of weather and the experience! I love this event! I will definitely return next year, and the year after, and . . . I can't wait to fly in here!

Today my friend, my brother and I wore ourselves out doing all of the vendor booths in Hangars A through D. Phew! I got to meet the rest of the engine guys I was interested in -- Mattituck and Pen Yan (Aerosport was yesterday). I still have to say I like the Aerosport folks best. I get a sense of high competency and good, honest, nice people. Maybe I just like the easy going nature of the Canadians. Of course their finished product was simply gorgeous.

Today's highlights:

- The Van's guys escorting me onto the grounds in my rented Penske truck and loading it lickety split with my fuse and all of the paraphenelia. I had about 6 guys helping me, and I think we loaded in 15 minutes. I thanked Van's for a great plane, and he very genuinely thanked me for my patronage. I love meeting gracious people. I will post the team loading pic when I get home.

I cannot emphasize enough how well the Van's team, and Scott in particular, treated me at the show. They made this a great experience.

- Awesome aerobatics -- Mike Goulian the artist of the effect of PFactor, torque and gyroscopic forces on an aircraft once the wing has stopped flying, Jim Leroy flying the Bulldog Pitts (this guys is simply insane -- just because a wing is flying doesn't mean you should snap roll the plane. Obviously too many Gs destroy the hypothalmus or whatever part of your brain is responsible for self-preservation and good judgment), Patty Wagstaff -- beautiful, precise, graceful -- and she flies well too. She is a class act.

- F18s turning and burning overhead. Some people were holding their ears. I was just enjoying the sound of full afterburner and their classic roll right pull left maneuver. What a thrill it must be to pull up to a 60 degree line after a 600 mph pass, roll inverted at 1000 feet and see all of Osh below you. I would definitely like to have the experience.

- Meeting the three retired British Airways 747 captains here to party and enjoy the show. "You're building an ai-ro-plane? You don't say old chap. How does that work then? Do you make everything yourself. I say, what do you think of the Glaaass-ayer? Have you met Chuck Yaaaaaagaaaar? Damned nice fellow, isn't he -- for a Yank."

- Meeting Bob Avery. Very nice man. Great booth. Thank you for your time Bob.

- Dinner at Hooters (my buddy's idea -- ahem -- that should pass the buck). Did I mention that midwest women are gorgeous. What are they feeding these people? Apparently the ugly stick doesn't get used out here.

- Checking out the Diamond DA42 Twinstar with Thielert diesels. Hmmmmm, who can I convince to get one of these so I can fly it?

- Getting to see the Dynon, Advanced Flight Systems and Blue Mountain back to back for good comparison. Interesting little rivalry too - 'nuff said.

- Meeting the Andair fuel valve owner. Another super nice and very helpful guy (forgot his name - darn). He's building a 7 and currently flies a 6. Thanks very much for the pointers on electronic fuel injections and their effect on my valve choice.

That's all for tonight guys. One more day to go, then I make the big drive! Ugh -- so many states, so many days. Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine.

Night all!
