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More Measurement Gremlins


Well Known Member

I've found this board tremendously helpful in explaining various things I've seen in my 10.


-Fuel flow high with Aux Pump (known issue with red cube standard placement).
-Stumble at idle when hot (mixture too rich).
-Fuel pressure dropping after long climb (keep the aux pump on and possibly add blast tube..maybe replace the mechanical pump at next condition inspection).

So, now a new one.

Today I was doing my biennial flight review with an instructor. During climb out on my first departure, the flue flow measurement went to zero. Fuel pressure was normal. Engine was normal.

We returned for landing after a normal pattern.

During downwind, the fuel flow measurement returned to normal. While taxiing it was lower than it should have been, and was then normal again by the time I was parking.

I have a red cube tied to a G900X.

I should mention that I have channel for CHT#2 offline due to a connection issue, and I am looking at that tomorrow along with the fuel flow indication.

My sense is that I have a loose connection, possibly associated with the same connection block CHT#2 is on.

Thoughts ? I am pulling the cowling off tomorrow AM to work this through.


Sounds likely to me, too. Don't forget that it can be anywhere in the electrical path, from the pins feeding the monitor to the connections at the sensor, and it can be on either side of the circuit (meaning check the 'ground' path, too).

Sounds likely to me, too. Don't forget that it can be anywhere in the electrical path, from the pins feeding the monitor to the connections at the sensor, and it can be on either side of the circuit (meaning check the 'ground' path, too).


I was able to locate it today. Its a flow scan 200 series unit. Not the EI red cube. But I was not able to make an headway on determining the issue. If I need to replace it, it will be very difficult because it is located inside the tunnel near the FW.