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Model switch feasible at this point?


Well Known Member
I'm not actually seriously considering this at this point, because I don't think it can be done. I'm halfway through my wings, and if I'm planning a -7A (for argument's sake), is it even possible to switch to an -8A when ordering the fuse? I thought the wings were the same, and the tail is the same (maybe???). The center section is definitely different, but other than that, is it possible? The announcement at OSH for the matched hole -8 fuse is what got me thinking about this...

:confused: Not possible right? Tell me it's not, because that will make this go away quickly... :rolleyes:
As far as I can tell, all you have to do is build a new tail and get a new wing center section. This assumes you haven't trimed the rear wing spar yet since that's only done on the 7, not the 8. I haven't been able to find any other differences, but I could be wrong ya' know :)
Well, since the center section you received with your wing kit is a matched set, I would say it probably isn't possible.
Center Section

I talked to Vans when I ordered regarding the center section. They said that they have had to separate a number of wing kits from the center sections and they have not had any issues. Maybe the center section will not matter. The tail is a different story though. Good luck and remember it is hard to hold the hand of a significant other in a 8.
Jamie said:
Well, since the center section you received with your wing kit is a matched set, I would say it probably isn't possible.
The sets are indeed match drilled but it is done using the same CNC program from part to part. I have heard (no first hand info) that people have rebuilt wings using new spars and have had little or no problems mating them to the center section.
ww2planes said:
Good luck and remember it is hard to hold the hand of a significant other in a 8.
That's the other thing that will probably shoot this idea down if none of the others do...haven't told her I'm having these thoughts yet. We just had the talk last night about nosewheel or tailwheel for the -7.

I don't really want to build another tail, so this all may be moot.
Sorry, had to get that out.

The only differences in the tail on the -8 are the HS and the rudder (based on my reading of the plans). Your elevators and VS should be fine. I bet you could bang out a new HS and a new rudder in less than a week.

Not sure if that helps ... :)

The HS skins on the -8 are narrower at the fuse attach point and the rudder is a folded trailing edge (depending).

Chad!!! FOCUS!!!

You need to FOCUS on the plane you are building!!! Get a VISION!!! This is a creation of your aviation dream! Make it how YOU want it!

cjensen said:
:confused: Not possible right? Tell me it's not, because that will make this go away quickly... :rolleyes:


Is it time for another INTERVENTION? We just got you liberated from the thoughts of using a Subaru, now this. Remember the boss may have some thought on this!!!!! The 7 will serve you fine.
Just curious ... other than the matched hole stuff, what made you think about the -8 instead?
Definitely talk it over with (get permission from :) ) the wife, but also consider how much she flies with you and how much of your flying will be just you in the plane out enjoying yourself. Lots of spouses seem to like the tandem seating while traveling for a variety of reasons.

Maybe you should finish the -7 and then make an -8 or a -4 (or even better, a -3!) your next project!

Alright guys...this was just a test to see if you were all paying attention. :D Sorry CJ if I sounded like I didn't know what you were talking about on the phone! I didn't realize there were this many responses already!

I bought a -7, am building a -7, and plan to stick with a -7 (maybe an A though...:D ). I just wondered, and I'm sure others have as well, if it was possible to switch models a the fuse purchase, especially with the matched hole fuse now available.

That's it Thomas...matched hole. Well, I originally wanted to build an -8 from the get go, but Brit and I talked about it, and while I plan to do plenty of flying for fun, I (we) are building this to do some traveling. So, if she wants to sit next to me, and I get an (any) RV out of this, I will make it happen.
Chad, glad to see you have come to your senses and aced that tail wheel. (and its probably a good idea to stick with the 7 too :D
Sonoma taught you how to speak dog!!!??? Teach me! Teach me!!

No worries. I'm buildin' on. It was more of a 'just wondering if one could do this' kind of question.
I looked at doing this too, Chad. The bottom line for us is Ellen really wants to be able to snuggle up on those long cross countries. Problem is, I really want centerline seating. Almost all of my hours, including training, is in a Citabria, and I just hate it when I have to fly side by side.

Easy solution....we just gotta build a RV-7 followed by a Pitts :)
jcoloccia said:
....we just gotta build a RV-7 followed by a Pitts :)
Now your talk'n John! :)

Chad, you don't even want to know what Wiley had to say about the Subaru thing. ;)
mlw450802 said:
The sets are indeed match drilled but it is done using the same CNC program from part to part. I have heard (no first hand info) that people have rebuilt wings using new spars and have had little or no problems mating them to the center section.

Absolutely true. I bought a new QB fuselage after a wreck and the original wing spars fit into the new center section spar perfectly - just as Vans said they would.

If I had to do it again, I would ask about switching to the 8. Center line seating is cool.

Allright everyone, I got him on the right track today. I dunno about the tailwheel thing. That is gonna hafta be another conversation.

:cool: CJ
:p : Hey hold up boys :p : We just went through this spar thing on a RV8 we were looking to buy. We found out that even though the 7 and 8 share the same wing parts, the BIG difference is that the bolt hole pattern for the spar stub is different from one to the other. :eek: I would definitely call someone at Vans before building an 8 fuselage and finding out your 7 wings won"t match the holes in the center section! :eek: caitlin

cjensen said:
That's the other thing that will probably shoot this idea down if none of the others do...haven't told her I'm having these thoughts yet. We just had the talk last night about nosewheel or tailwheel for the -7.

I don't really want to build another tail, so this all may be moot.

Yes Chad, come on over the the dark side of the 'force :D and drag your tail around with us (yes, I'm going to drag my tail )