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Maintenance planning when buying instead of building

NM Doug

Well Known Member
I'm very new to the forum (and to the idea of ownership) and imagine there may well be threads about this I haven't found yet, so feel free to say, "read [x] and then ask"...!

We are evaluating whether we can buy an already flying 9A - approximate timeframe: within 2 years. I went to my airport today (KAEG in Albuquerque) to scope out the hangar situation and to talk to the maintenance folks. The maintenance personnel available at the FBO there aren't able to do regular work on experimentals due to the FBO's insurance, though the chief said they can work on certificated parts of RVs, such as a Lycoming, for example.

If I buy an already flying RV, I know I couldn't (and shouldn't!) qualify for a repairman certificate, so that's not on the table.

How difficult would it make ownership, not having a repair shop on the field that could potentially work on an RV? For something like an annual condition inspection, I could certainly fly the plane to the inspection. But what about other maintenance or repair issues that could come up?

Thanks for thoughts -
As I'm sure you are aware, anyone can legally maintain, repair, and even modify an experimental amateur-built aircraft.
The "repairman certificate" only applies to the condition inspection.

Note I said legally! That, of course, doesn't imply that it would necessarily be prudent. But my point is that through "owner assisted" maintenance, over time, you can learn to do most of your own maintenance.
Thanks for the replies, Mel and Ron -

I imagine there are indeed independent mechanics, now that you mention it... having only rented from an FBO to this point, I'm pretty ignorant about how the world of aviation maintenance works - when there was a maintenance issue (on the rental airplane or someone's privately-owned one), I was only aware of work being done in the big ole FBO building.

Tonight, I found a bunch of RV owners not too far from where I live (through the VAF white pages), and I'll reach out to try to make some contacts and start to learn.

- Doug
I have one A&P do my condition inspection. I usually fix squawks.

I have another A&P do engine work, magneto rebuild, etc.

Some stuff I do myself when I can do it competently.

Nothing is done at an FBO.

Consulting local RV guys should provide sources for maintenance that you do not know how to do now. You can learn as you go.
Consulting local RV guys should provide sources for maintenance that you do not know how to do now. You can learn as you go.

Yes. This.

I feel blessed to be connected with the MN Wing of VAF. The folks are an incredible source of experimental (and non-ex) aircraft experience, knowledge and assistance. I enjoy a variety of hobbies and but aviation is the one where I would be in over my head without the club.

I bought my RV6 ten years ago. Folks in the club did the initial conditions inspection and my annual inspections. I have rebuilt the engine and installed a Skyview, as well as numerous other projects. I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to be up close and personal with work on my RV6, and confident the work is done with the highest standards.

Flying is fun too!

Nancy Jean
Thank you, Ron and Nancy - I'm looking forward to meeting the local RVers.

Although I certainly enjoy the freedom and openness of flying, I especially appreciate being part of a community of aviators like you describe - a community interested in quality and safety. I am always reminded of how rare this is after I land and drive home...drivers in general don't seem to share the mindset ;)

- Doug
Hi Doug

You have a wonderful opportunity to do ALL of your own maintenance and not spend a penny except for parts.

There are many A&P's who do house calls and enjoy the variety of work. Being a member of an EAA chapter and friends of other RV owners will open a lot of doors for you.

I bought my -10 and a friend who is an A&P/IA does my condition inspections for a small fee and I do all the other maintenance, like tire and brake pad, oil changes and oil filters.

Thanks, Pierre - though I know many people are, I'm not generally a do-it-yourself maintenance person, judging by how I treat my car.

I think for some work on an airplane though, I could really enjoy participating/working with someone who really knows what they're doing.

- Doug