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mail from Vans


Well Known Member
About when they are ready to ship your last kit, the firewall forward stuff, they send a series of emails, that are entitled in the 'from' line:
"from Cynthia re:FAA bill of sale" with attachments.

If you have nothing pending regarding a bill of sale you have no idea (at least I didn't) who :Cynthia" was. Are you going to open an attachment from someone you don't know regarding something you don't have pending re an FAA bill of sale?

I didn't and just deleted the four emails so entitled. After getting them for three days, it was finally resolved that the messages were from VansAircraft, and were the license agreement and the release of liability. Vans won't send the engine kit without those signed and notorized documents.

I suggested to "Cynthia" that instead of cryptically using the "from" as her name, that she use Vansaircraft so we would know who the messages were from.

So if you get messages from "Cynthia" its really Van's aircraft and probaly OK to open the attachments - at least if you want your engine.
What was the actual "from" email address?

(While it's easy for forge any from address, like [email protected] -- if you reply, and then get a response, it's a pretty good indicator it's real. Just make sure when you reply, it's actually going to the expected address.)

But yes....companies, usually just not aware, using an unprofessional "from" name can cause problems. Ideally includes both the person name and company name.

I totally agree - I am pretty unsophisticated when it comes to the computer and like you, don't open anything that I don't know about. Problem is that I don't even know what's out there that I don't know.

Van's should change how they do that notification.

That would help but, according to my son who is computer savvy, it is still possible for someone to trick us. Oh my!
Also, be on the lookout for Van's email in your junk folder. My Spam filter (hotmail) sent an order response straight to junk, and was a week before I saw it.

Yes, Vans should put a consistent recognizable from address on their email.

"from" line

No, nothing in the 'from; line indicating its from Vans...if you know Cynthia you're in good shape....If it had said from Barbera (Spellling?) I would have probably known who she was....anyhow it got straightened out.
When to send notarized license agreement

I don't think you necessarily have to wait until you order the firewall forward kit to receive and send this in. I received a paper copy in the crate with my finish kit and had it notarized and sent it some months ago.