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Looking for the "rudder wedge trim tab" that I believe Avery once sold. You glue it on the rudder!

Do you paint ‘em? How do you attach them?

Enquiring minds and all…
Mine was painted separately from the rudder. I attached it using 3M VHB double sided foam tape. VHB = very high bond (strength). The foam tape is approximately 1/16” thick. Been there for 1300+ hours.
A gurney flap works better and is physically smaller. I use 3/4" x 1/8" "L" shape piece of 0.030" with double sided tape. i paint mine to match plane before installing./ For the best effectiveness, the L portion should be even with the trailing edge. i put it a little forward so i dont snag it walking by.
For $2 you can tape on a small balsa wood wedge. Saves from having more holes in the rudder, adjustable (cut to correct length), and works perfectly.
Not to go too far off topic ... but if you have a rear light on the rudder, some use a tab under the light. Works well on my RV-8.
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Another option that I have used on my -6 & -7 is to install rudder pedal return springs. By adjusting the differential tension on springs you can correct for a moderate out of trim condition. Additionally it keeps the rudder cables taught on the ground.
For $2 you can tape on a small balsa wood wedge. Saves from having more holes in the rudder, adjustable (cut to correct length), and works perfectly.
I used the balsa wood wedge from the hobby store (same size as Flyboys) to test location and width to get the desired yaw effect. Then installed the Flyboys plastic in the same place with epoxy glue. Still there.
I fine-tuned what I needed back there with balsa wood taped on, then fashioned one out of aluminum. Riveted on and has not moved! 😊 Cruise range without rudder pedal input is actually quite wide. Those results were purely accidental, I assure you!

The fancy glues we have now were not available back when this was put on......... 😊


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