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Looking for Pro Builder to Finish

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Way back somewhere around 1994 I got the idea to build my -6 at age 23. Since then tail is about 90%, Wings are about 90%, Fuselage is about 75%. (Ironically, the poor -6 got put to the side in 2005 when I built a very nice Rotorway 162F heli that I put 250 hours on and have since sold.) The last big project I took on was the canopy in 2020 and considered it a "make or break" deal - if it came out ok I'd keep the project if not I'd trash it. Alas the (Sika bonded) canopy came out great - so I'm committed to myself to see this thing fly and would love to have it setting alongside our Eclipse Jet as a day-flier.

Anyway - among 4 other hobbies I'm at the point where my financial resources outsize my time resources. Despite gathering more dust than attention - the RV remains high on my sentimental list - so I'd like to see it get completed.

With that in mind - I'm looking for an accomplished/pro builder that would want to take this kit to completion. If anyone is or knows someone with those skills - we're located in Northern Ohio and would love to discuss options.

Please contact at [email protected].

Surely you mean you’re looking for a builder-assist option to keep you in compliance with the 51% rule.
To be really blunt, “Pro-Building” an E-AB is illegal, so at the very least, you might want to change the title of your thread so that the authorities (and all the DAR’s that you might want to engage) can’t show you a printout of a solicitation to get around the rules when they deny your application for an airworthiness certificate and hint about prosecution for perjury for lying on the statement that you built the airplane for “education and recreation” (the 51% rule).

Are Pro-builders out there? Of course they are, we all know that! Does that make it legal? Not at all….but it is hidden (at least a little) by those doing it, and those hiring it.

Don’t poke the bear!
To be really blunt, “Pro-Building” an E-AB is illegal, so at the very least, you might want to change the title of your thread so that the authorities (and all the DAR’s that you might want to engage) can’t show you a printout of a solicitation to get around the rules when they deny your application for an airworthiness certificate and hint about prosecution for perjury for lying on the statement that you built the airplane for “education and recreation” (the 51% rule).

Are Pro-builders out there? Of course they are, we all know that! Does that make it legal? Not at all….but it is hidden (at least a little) by those doing it, and those hiring it.

Don’t poke the bear!

Exactly what I was getting at. Paul just puts it so much more eloquently.
Surely you mean you’re looking for a builder-assist option to keep you in compliance with the 51% rule.

Well yeah I'm glad you mentioned that. My rough guesstimate is there's probably enough done at this point (especially given hand layout & drilling) that somebody taking it across the finish line would be far less than 50% participation.
To be really blunt, “Pro-Building” an E-AB is illegal...Don’t poke the bear!

Whether I'm in my car, or airplane - I wan't ANYONE who works on my stuff to be a "Pro" - that's all I'm saying about that.

As I mentioned before I completed a very nice Rotorway 162F and, with the exception of the paint - did 100% of the work myself - so I'm well aware of the rules. Any DAR that might see this is welcome to come have a conversation when the time comes.
Whether I'm in my car, or airplane - I wan't ANYONE who works on my stuff to be a "Pro" - that's all I'm saying about that.

As I mentioned before I completed a very nice Rotorway 162F and, with the exception of the paint - did 100% of the work myself - so I'm well aware of the rules. Any DAR that might see this is welcome to come have a conversation when the time comes.

A very respected and influential member of the experimental aviation community offers some advice that was intended to protect you from yourself and you fire back a defensive response. NICE! :cool:

A very respected and influential member of the experimental aviation community offers some advice that was intended to protect you from yourself and you fire back a defensive response. NICE! :cool:


We are our own worst enemy…
In the interest of being charitable, and also not putting words in the OP's mouth:

It is quite the leap from "I need help from someone who's good at this, lets discuss options" (maybe those options include "I give you the kit, you finish it and apply (legally) for the AW/repairman cert; I just want to see it fly, and keep it in my hangar", or who knows what they have in mind) to "you're gonna commit perjury and go to jail and ruin it for all of us". :rolleyes:
- so I'm well aware of the rules.

Maybe you are, but it appears that you might not be.....

The major portion is not based on number of total hrs or perceived level of completion visually.

It is task based, and the FAA has predetermined what tasks are judged for making that determination using the Amateur-built Fabrication and Assembly Checklist


A DAR or FAA ASI is required to use this checklist when evaluating any E-AB certification applicant if the aircraft is not on the Approved Kit List OR if any commercial (as in contracted) build assistance was used.
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This train hit the tracks in a derailed state.

Either the OP typed something he didn't really intend...

...or he fully intended what he typed but is rightfully informed by the many responders that what he's asking for violates the FARs.

Either way, this thread is done. Closed.
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