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Looking for Pictures of Tails (RV Variety)


Chief Obfuscation Officer
I am trying to decide how much work I really want to do when I get around to attaching the fiberglass tips to my empennage. Meaning, do I want to glass/fill/smooth the seams or just rivet it and be done with it.

I remember someone out there in cyberspace having a online album of tail pictures they took at Oshkosh (or elsewhere), showing the different methods of fiberglass attachement (e.g. riveted, glassed over, screws). I thought I had it saved in my favorites, but nope. Anybody know what I am talking about and can send me a link?

good post brad! i'm really interested in this one as well. i really don't want to glass over my rivets (or even mess with that stuff), so i was planning on riveting, and leaving it alone.

i've been watching your progress on your site, and it looks great!

bring on those tail pics!

Two exceptions on mine

My approach was to rivet things which are permanent and attach with screws and platenuts those things which must be removed for maintenance access. The Vertical Stabilizer cap and the lower Rudder cap are attached with screws, the former for the VOR/LOC/GS antenna and the latter for the White Nav light/tail Strobe installation. ("Form follows function" as the other Wright said)

Bob Axsom
Since I did not plan on radio antennae on my tail, I pop riveted the tips on. A little Superfil and some sanding prepped them nicely for paint. I just glazed the edges slightly and plugged the holes in the rivets. Nice neat joints can be attractive and are less likely to crack over time. I used foam and epoxy/glass to plug the open ends.




Roberta, if ever there was an example of why glassing and smoothing the seam isn't necessary, it is yours. Beautiful work! Thanks for posting!