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LOE Fly-in What's it all about?

Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
I just talked to my wife about the LOE fly-in and she agreed to the trip. Then I started looking at the info to build up the anticipation but I couldn't find anything. Is it just a 200+ RV congregation, visit a museum, have a dinner and fly home? For three days??? I've been all over the state many times so it is not like a new adventure just going there. What is the attraction? Help me out here.

Bob Axsom
Even though LOE is advertised as a 3-day event, here's how it goes for us flying ~600nm to the LOE fly-in from SoCAL.

We meet up, several RVs, airborne near the Banning pass around 8am PST on Friday morning, first day of LOE. It's so great to be flying with your RV friends! It's a 2hr 'gaggle' flight to Chandler (CHD), south side of Phoenix for fuel and lunch.

We depart CHD around 12pm arriving LOE about 2 hours later, now 2pm PST...but wait...they are on Mountain time, so it's now 3pm local. Get the planes secured, register for LOE, get your rental car, and get your bags from the plane to the car...all the while visiting with others who've just arrived.

It's now 4pm (at best)...and the real hangar flying begins! On the ramp, have a beer, visit with friends from near and far...hey, haven't seen that RV before, let's go check it out...time flies...it's great being there visiting with friends...haven't seen them in a few years...ah, I see you finally got your plane flying....when you get home you're selling it?!?...What?? You built ANOTHER one!!!

It's 6-7pm now and wifey is saying "I'm hungry", and you're saying "We just got here!" Somebody in the group was smart enough to count friends early on, call, and get a big table reservation at a local eatery.

So off you all go, MAYBE sitting down to eat by 8pm if you are lucky. Eat, drink and be merry...along with all your RV friends who came from near and far...Have another beer then head to the motel. Figure out times for getting up in the morning, arrange rides then call it a night.

Get up, shower, dress, have a continental breakfast then head out to the airport at around 9am. Here's the part you know all about....an entire day of hanging out at the airport with a bunch of folks who came from near and far, to be there, and share their LOVE OF RVs!!!!!

The night before, some of the spouses got together and decided that they'd be taking the rental cars and going...shopping, sight-seeing, or whatever...off they go. And some spouses stay as they LOVE to be there with you on the ramp! They can 'talk RVs' all day long good as you!

Check out the planes, give an RV builder (or spouse) their FIRST RV ride (my favorite thing to do!). Visit with the folks from Van's, people you may have never met but have talked with numerous times...maybe meet Van himself for the first time, or Ken, or Scott or Gus...Sit in the RV-10...heck, maybe you are yet to even SEE an RV-10 for real. And my favorites: You meet Doug Reeves and/or Dan Checkoway for the first time :D

It's now around noontime so go find you some lunch and relax in the shade (you did bring your big floppy hat for the ramp, eh?!?). Introduce yourself to the folks you don't know at the table, make some new RV friends. During your lunch, you can watch Stu McCurdy leading some precision formation flights around the airport for a few passes...eat, drink and be merry...

The time goes by so fast that before you know it, folks are heading back to the motels at around 4pm to get cleaned up for the banquet. Some stay and keep visiting because they look 'good enough'. The spouses return from their day of fun and shopping.

Next thing you know, you are in line for food, enjoying all the warbirds that surround you at the dinner table. Listen to the great speech that Red Marron gives every year (I love that guy!). Listen to the music and eagerly listen for you number to be called for the raffle prizes (or possibly bid at the silent auction) Watch the awards as they are given to some very deserving RVers...and all the while, you...Eat, drink and be merry!

Before you know it, the day is over as the banquet ends. You say your good-byes to folks who are staying at other motels and are leaving at O'dark-thirty. You stay to thank George & Becky Orndorff for helping you build your plane ;) You thank Larry Vetterman for his part in putting on this show and the great exhaust systems he puts out. You thank Bob Brashear and Red Marron for all the work they too put into this event...then it's back to the motel. Figure out times for getting up in the morning, arrange rides then call it a night.

Get up, shower, dress, have a continental breakfast then head out to the airport around 9am (I don't do mornings well!). Fill the rental car with gas on the way (or you already did it the night before).

Upon arriving to the airport, you note that many RVs have already departed and the ramp is maybe half as full as it was the day before. You drive the rental car to your plane, unload your bags, and then get the car back to the airport office and checked in. There is a steady stream of RVs departing...

You say your good-byes to your friends who may only see again at next year's LOE. You coordinate with your fellow fliers the 'lineup' for takeoff then load-up and taxi out to the departure end of the runway in use.

Lead takes off around 10am if we are lucky...We all follow and head home for Southern California, again stopping for fuel and lunch in Chandler. We usually arrive home around 4-5pm...but, wait...we gained an hour, hooray!

And you put the plane away and look forward to flying to next year's LOE, wherever in New Mexico that may be...

Three days...that wasn't no 3 days...I don't think we were there more 3 hours!

Have a safe flight, and I'll see you on the ramp at LOE '05 in less than a month! :) Rosie
Bob Axsom said:
...What is the attraction? Help me out here.
Bob Axsom
Good questions, Bob.

(And this is all just my opinion) For me it is the social aspect. Friday is spent getting there - talking on the radio with a stream of RVs from Texas stretching over 200 miles long. Ten to twenty planes at the fuel stop mid-way (socializing).

When you get to NM you visit some more with friends you haven't seen in a long time. You get your car/room squared away and go shower. Eat. Come back to the ramp for the 'Friday Sunset Social' - which is basically sitting around the ramp in clumps of friends enjoying the evening and enjoying the sunset with a beer.

Saturday is spent walking the line of RVs for ideas and visiting with more friends. Catching up with people you only know through email. Probably a third of the people in attendance use Saturday to explore the local area in their rental car (El Paso, etc). I've seen groups of wives leave in force for a day of sightseeing and/or shopping. In the late afternoon it's back to the room to shower then to the banquet for dinner/raffle and more socializing.

Sunday is a laid back departure - no rush, no long lines waiting to takeoff, no hurry. A beautiful crisp morning in a desert landscape - much different than Dallas (or Arkansas in your case).

The museum is a nice addition, but (for me) the weekend is about hanging out with my long distance friends.

(Again to me) Larry Pardue historically writes up the best 'review' of the event. Here are some of his previous:

http://n5lp.net/Chile.htm (LOE1)

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OK sounds like a trip we will make

Not much of a socializing person but I can see that It can be an interesting trip If I choose to make it that way. Fly-in, look at RVs, rent a car drive toward Silver City visit the state park I recall, called something like "City of Rocks", and other wonders, tour the museum, meet new people with similar interests at dinner, rest and fly home the next day. Just making the trip is the big deal - we can monitor 122.75 mHz if we are in doubt there are any RVs out there.

Bob Axsom

If you like City of Rocks near Silver City, check out Hueco Tanks state Historical park right outside of El Paso. It's got bigger rock formations and lots of great petrogliphs. It'll be a 30 minute drive from the flyin instead of a 2+ hour drive to City of Rocks. Once it cools off, Hueco is a great place for rock climbing too!

Have fun!

(originally from Silver City)
Rosie said:
Listen to the great speech that Red Marron gives every year (I love that guy!).

Yep, Red's a good guy... I'm planning (hoping?) to be able to fly my -8QB to LOE next year, mainly just to see Red. Waaay back when I was a 15 year old ramp rat/airport bum, I was pumping gas, mowing grass and bumming rides at Dallas North Airport where Red had his Hawk XP tied down. (21 yrs ago, ouch!) He was kind enough to take my brother and I flying more times than I can count; we covered pretty much all of North Texas riding with Red... and once, after I had my pvt ticket, he even let me fly his beloved Hawk XP from the left seat. And then there were the numerous pie runs over to Aero Valley... sorry, Northwest Regional, you're still Aero Valley to me, hehehe.

So there's my reason to go to LOE... next year anyway.
