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Load Factor ?


I'm New Here
I'm new to the site, and searched for the design load factors for various Vans models to no avial. Can anyone provide this data, or a link to where it's hidden on Van's site?

Thanks in advance,
RV's Load factor

You find it in Vans Construction manual.

Most models, RV-4,-6,-7,-8 are aerobatic and sized for +6G's and -3G's. Ultimate load factor is +9/-4.5, gives you a 50% margin of safety. Limit load, meaning don't exceed for aerobatic operations. Ultimate is limit with a 50% factor of safety and exceeding it could cause permanent damage or failure. Since all basic aerobatics can be done at 3-3.5 Gs this is plenty. Maneuvering speed Va, is around 135 - 142 mph. You should try to stay near or below maneuering speed. RV's can build speed fast when pointed down. So a split-S from a fast cruise speed would be bad bad bad. You would exceed Vne very easily before leveling out at the bottom.

There are limits to operate at the aerobatic load factors, a lower aerobatic gross weight (less than max gross) and restricted aft CG range. If you build a heavy RV (empty weight) you may be limited on how much fuel you can carry with two persons for aerobatics to stay within limits. Later RV's (-7/-8) have more load capacity and it is not a problem. The older designs have less allowable aerobatic gross weight. A heavy RV-4/-6 can be a solo aerobatic plane if built too heavy, at least if you want to stay within Van's aerobatic limitations.

On the RV-7/-8 the acro weight is 1600 lb, 200lbs less than max gross (1800 lb) and about 2" less aft CG range. The RV-4/-6 has a 1375 lb acro gross weight.

The RV-9 has lower limitations, Limit load factor: +4.4G to -1.76 (I think); Ultimate load factor: +6.6G/-2.64G. RV-10? Likely utility catagory same as RV-9.

Cheers George
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Load Limits

On the RV-7/-8 the acro weight is 1600 lb, 200lbs less than max gross (1800 lb) and about 2" less aft CG range
I think the acro limits for the -8/-7 planes is something less than 1600 lbs. unless they've changed it. I do remember it being more than the -6, but thought it was only by a few lbs. While I don't have my manual here at work, I think the acro limits are closer to the solo weights given on Van's web page, which is 1400 lbs. Someone out there got there manual handy??
Bill Waters

Added Note-
Checked my -8 manual this evenin, aerobatic weight limit is 1550#, much higher than I thought, aft CG limit is 1.5" forward of normal aft limit. My manual is about 4 years old, have these numbers been changed?
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Thanks, I don't really intend to fly any intentional aerobatics. I just want to know that my bird is strong enough to handle any overexuberance.

Thanks again,
Pulling "g's"

Don't forget the difference between pulling straight and rolling G's.

Pulling straight puts an even distibution of load on the wings, but if you are rolling and showing 5 G's, then the outboard wing is pulling more....a lot more.

Many F-15s and 16s have been over g'd this way.

Here is some information I read online about the RV10's load factor:


RV10 Flight Load Factors:

The structure has been designed to withstand aerobatic load of 3.8 G positive and 1.9 G negative This is the maximum load the airframe structure is designed to withstand indefinitely. The calculated breaking strength is 5.7 G at which it will withstand load for 3 seconds (assuming no airframe deterioration , fatigue, material flaws or construction errors). Approaching this 5.7 G load could permanently weaken the structure even if failure does not occur.