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Life Changing Lyme's Disease


Well Known Member
With the approach of warmer weather I would like to share a very sad story of a pilot friend and his wife that both contracted Lyme's disease during a camping trip several years ago. Below are Tom's most recent comments. I've deleted elements of his post so at times the post is segmented. Hopefully this post will be a reminder for all to take proper precautions when enjoying the beautiful outdoors.

" I haven't spoke to anyone since last summer so I apologize for not keeping you informed.
The lack of phone calls are a blessing because I'm now struggling with speaking and talking. It's been gradual slow decline over the past few years and its getting hard to have any long conversations.
I also apologize for the long email here but I don't know any other way to explain the past 27 months without detailing the nightmare.
This all started my last month in the MSP CPO, my last month of duty there. In early December 2011, I was sitting at my desk when I felt a bizarre feeling in my left leg. After inspecting my leg I found my left calf to be twitching like I was plugged into a TENS unit.
Doing what every guy does I tried to ignore it but when my right leg started doing the same thing I became concerned.
I met with my FAA doctor in January 2012 which started the journey of brains scans, MRI, CT scans and the entire scope of blood tests. Mid January while waiting for test results, my wife Diane woke on January 17 to find that her legs, feet and arms were numb.
I was told that everything was normal except that I had acute Lyme disease which was a relief to know that I didn't have a brain tumor, MS or some other life threatening illness. This is transpiring while I started 744 school and Diane is having brain scans, spinal taps, MRI, CT scans, biopsies etc.
I was told take 10 days of doxycycline and I should be ok. Long story short, after 27 months of trying to get well, I'm struggling with talking, I've lost 40 lbs with muscle loss and loss of strength and flexibility which has left me needing help with my daily routine of bathing, getting dressed etc.
Diane and I both have unresolved Lyme disease which has been confirmed by a blood culture after trying for 20 months to rid ourselves of the infection with oral antibiotics, herbal remedies, homeopathic medicine, electro pulse frequency therapy, and chasing all over the map with countless doctors."

There is a great divide in the US medical community about Lyme. There are two opposed medical groups that have extreme views on this disease and treatment.
The CDC in 2013 forecasted 30k new cases for the year and in August they admitted that they had registered 300,000 new cases at that point in time.
Since we were not improving we tried any doctor willing to help. Few of the Lyme doctors are in network and their cost are not covered by insurance. Medica has refused to cover our treatment the first 26 months. I have appealed by hiring a lawyer who wrote a request to include my primary lyme doctor in gap coverage and recover some of the $30k we have paid out of pocket. All was denied. This is not unique to Medica. This is a issue with all insurance companies and Lyme disease.
The reason I share this is because I know that we have several pilots and or family members dealing with Lyme. I have been called personally by several out of frustration and also concern for our situation. I would really like to share my journal of what occurred with Medica over the past two years with you because it could be insight for lack of coverage for Lyme treatment for any pilot or Delta employee.
Right now Diane is not being treated and her symptoms for the most part have remained the same for the past 18 months. She basically has become my full time care giver.
I am now being treated by an in network doctor after a year of trying to get in to see her.
I had a PICC line, catheter placed in my arm accessing my heart and I am doing in home infusions trying to arrest the progress of this disease. I am very weak and my blood count has been affected by the shear amount of antibiotics that I have been exposed to. Because of this my doctor was afraid to administer the full dose required to treat this with IV. She is gradually increasing the dose over time to see if my liver and white cells can tolerate the treatment. Weekly blood test are taken at home by the nurse that is in charge of my PICC line care. I am on five different IVs at this time.

We are planning to go to Golden, Colorado for treatment to resolve toxins from the antibiotic IV at the end of the month. We tried last month but I was unable to travel do to my weakness.
I also am planning to start Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment locally which has helped some people with Chronic lyme. The detox in Colorado and the oxygen therapy are not covered by insurance but we need to try everything in hope of regaining our health.
. Several months ago he ( Gary) organized and opened an account to help us with the out of pocket medical expenses. He was the only person that I had shared our medical expenses with. Our initial reaction was to say please don't do this, we are ok and it's not necessary. It fell on his kind, deaf ears.

My hope was to be back at work a long time ago but reality is it may never happen. I had hoped to use this fund to help other employees dealing with Lyme because I know full well what they are going through.
While I struggle daily I'm so grateful for family, friends and my NWADAL family. I miss so many of the wonderful friends and coworkers more than you could imagine.
While I'm frustrated beyond words with the illness, I'm truly grateful to have what I do, which includes many friends, my family and an angel for a caregiver.
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... This is a very heart wrenching, on going story that has yet to have a happy ending. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your wife. If possible could you please post here on this thread, the information on how to make contributions to the fund that was referenced in the previous post. I am absolutely certain that many who read this will feel as we do and wish to help in any way possible. I can't begin to imagine the horror of all you have and are experiencing and must say just the thought is very disturbing. I don't think I am strong enough to go down the road you have been forced to travel. Again our thoughts are with you and your wife. Get well soon. Allan & staff at A.S.A.
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... This is a very heart wrenching, on going story that has yet to have a happy ending. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your wife. If possible could you please post here on this thread, the information on how to make contributions to the fund that was referenced in the previous post. I am absolutely certain that many who read this will feel as we do and wish to help in any way possible. I can't begin to imagine the horror of all you have and are experiencing and must say just the thought is very disturbing. I don't think I am strong enough to go down the road you have been forced to travel. Again our thoughts are with you and your wife. Get well soon. Allan & staff at A.S.A.


Thank you very much for expressing your concern for Tom and his wife Diane. Just to clarify, this very sad story is about a friend of mine, not me. Tom was a very highly respected pilot at Northwest / Delta airlines and just one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet. My purpose in sharing this story was just to increase the awareness of the dangers in contracting lyme's disease. However, for those of you whom would like to make a contribution to Tom's family medical fund, I can PM you the contact information.

Sincerest regards,
Tom Valenzia
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Thank you very much for expressing your concern for Tom and his wife Diane. Just to clarify, this very sad story is about a friend of mine, not me. Tom was a very highly respected pilot at Northwest / Delta airlines and just one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet. My purpose in sharing this story was just to increase the awareness of the dangers in contracting lyme's disease. However, for those of you whom would like to make a contribution to Tom's family medical fund, I can PM you the contact information.

Sincerest regards,
Tom Valenzia

...Thank you Tom and I did get the info you PMed me. Allan...:D
Lost the Battle Against Lyme's Disease...

I am saddened to report the passing of NWA/DAL Captain Tom Perillo. Tom lost his gallant battle against Lyme's disease with later complications resulting from ALS attacking his weakened system. Tom maintained an optimistic attitude throughout his struggle (please read post #1) and sensing that he may lose his battle, he wanted to make it better for those who follow with the challenges of the disease. Rest in peace Tom.

I would like to sincerely thank all of you that had made contributions to the Perillo Family Medical Fund. Your contributions were deeply appreciated.

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All too frequently I hear of these chronic cases and think how lucky I am. I contracted Lyme, but was aware of the tick bite and had the bullseye the next day. At the time I lived in southeast PA where Lyme was considered epidemic and was well publicized. In the 1990's when I was infected, my family Dr was treating over 50 cases per month during the summer months. With the quick recognition of the infection and treatment, I have not had any of the chronic symptoms. No one really knows if treatment in the early phases means you are cured or not. I am told to keep an eye out for the chronic symptoms.

I think one of the reasons for the split opinions on Lyme seem to be the variation in the symptoms. Some, like me discover the infection through the bullseye and are treaded within days of the bite and don't seem to ever develop serious symptoms. Others are unaware of the bite, never get the bullseye rash, and go for years with the disease wreaking havock on the body until the symptoms become diagnosed. The chronic effects have put friends in the situation described in the OP. Lyme is known to trigger Gilliam Berret syndrom, a nervous system disorder that paralyzes the victims, sometimes permenantly. A 31 year old, healthy friend had this happen (the second diagnosed case of Lyme being the trigger). I was talking to him at work, he felt ill,and in 4 hrs was on a ventilator with a pacemaker keeping his heart going. 1 yr later he was still struggling to walk.

As the OP said- If you are in an area where Lyme may be present, try to avoid excursions into high weeds. The deer tick, a primary vector for the disease, climbs vegetation, detects a passing host and drops on to them. I got mine in standing cornfield in late October.

If you ever see a bullseye rash get treatment immediately. The diameter can vary and can be partially hidden by your hair as might be the bite site.
Lyme's Disease and skin rash

Tom & Dan

Well guys , thanks a lot for these post..

I've had serious skin rash on both my lower legs for a week now and have the exact red spots .I've been sick ( Flu type syntome ) all week and after reading your post and a little more on Lyme's Disease, I starting to be more than a little worried..:eek:

So tomorrow morning, to the dermatologist or if I can't see him to the compagny doctor I go...so I can get a clear diagnostic on what I have...

Better be safe than sorry..

Thanks a million for the info..

[email protected]
don't count on seeing a rash.
lymes is about the most under diagnosed disease. everything from a headache to an aching ear. if you have any unusual aches, pains or are feeling unusually punk lymes is a possibility. i work at the hospital and here in the northwoods the e.r. docs think 3 things when starting to work up a patient........ticks, ticks, and ticks,
even my 4 year old grandson has had it!
in early stages it is easily treated with an antibiotic.
I can second your symptoms. My girlfriend has your exact symptoms and it was lymes. DO NOT PUT OFF SEEING A DOCTOR!!!

Tom & Dan

Well guys , thanks a lot for these post..

I've had serious skin rash on both my lower legs for a week now and have the exact red spots .I've been sick ( Flu type syntome ) all week and after reading your post and a little more on Lyme's Disease, I starting to be more than a little worried..:eek:

So tomorrow morning, to the dermatologist or if I can't see him to the compagny doctor I go...so I can get a clear diagnostic on what I have...

Better be safe than sorry..

Thanks a million for the info..

[email protected]
Lymes' Symtoms

Hello Gents

Well this morning I called the compagny's doctor and send him pictures of my Red Marks and his first opinion was that this wasn't Lyme's Disease Red Spots but just to be sure he asked me to come to the medical department ( Nice working for a major airline with its own medical department ) so he could have a better look.

As soon as he saw my condition, he said that this wasn't Lyme's Disease red spots.He said that in the LD case, you can see where the tick has entered the skin and what I have wasn't it.

He said that my condition was what he called a ''Contact Rash '' caused by Poison Oaks ( Not sure if I spell it the right way ) and if left untreated that it would spread and keep on itching..

He took me off the flight schedule for a week and give me antibiotics to help fix the problems.I gotta see again in 10 days.

He's a Trauma Doctor so I guess he should know what he's talking about..

Also, funny thing this morning in the local newspaper, there was a major article on Lyme's Disease and that the reported cases more than double every year in our region...Coincidence I would say.

Thank to everyone who send me PMs, it is appreciated.

[email protected]
Lyme's Disease

It sure got my attention pretty quick when I read the initial post..

The red spots are slowly going away so I guess my Dr. got the diagnostics right on..

A friend at our grass strip got the same rash so it basically confirm the Poison Ivy involvement..


Been there, done that

Thanks for posting this. There needs to be an awareness regarding the silent Lyme epidemic that's out there.

As a chronic Lyme disease survivor with a wife who is still in treatment, I can attest to how nasty the disease is, it dealt me a two year setback on my RV10 project - just now finishing up the empennage. The good news is that in most cases it's 100% treatable, my Lyme test is negative and more importantly, I have no symptoms after 18 months of non prescription antibiotic and adjunct treatments.
