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Laguna San Ignacio Baja Whales trip

Looks quite a bit more "up close and personal" with the whales than the one I went on out of San Diego.:cool:
San Ignacio

Thanks for your post, which re-kindled wonderful memories. We flew our Lance there about 10 years ago. Met friends with a C-185 in Tuscon then flew on to Loreto and eventually to San Ignacio Bay. The people there were wonderful and the whale experience with the California Grays transcendent. What a thrill to have a mother herd her baby up to our little boat to meet the humans! First place we had Don Julio Silver, courtesy of the fine folks running the beach accommodations and the whale excursions as well as a local agricultural combine. Somewhat scary to land and encounter 18 year olds with military automatic weapons, but everybody was friendly and gracious. Glad you were able to do this. A trip we'll not forget. Loved your report and pics.
If they paved the runway and parking area I would fly there. Did it last year with Baja Bush Pilots and went over with another pilot.
Thank you all

Thank you all for your wonderful comments. It was really a thrill to see & touch those graceful giants. It was one of the best trips to mexico I have ever been on.

this is the adult, 50' or so.

the baby is about 20'

put this on your bucket list. we were lucky to run across these humpbacks on the north side of tortola BVI. it will get your heart pumping for sure.
Coordinates of Laguna San Inagcio

I am a Ra9a owner. How do you guy find the dirt strip at the whale watching site,
Peter in Tucson
We did this trip 2 years ago, and are doing it again this March. Laguna San Ignacio is in my GPS data base.

Jim Berry