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Keeping Documentation


Well Known Member
Hi All -

I'm anxiously awaiting my RV10 tail kit to arrive tomorrow. I was wondering what you all recommend as far as built documentation. I've seen the Kitlog Pro software (although I don't run a PC) as well as Expercraft.com, which is web-based.

Wondering if its worth using one of the packages or if most people just roll their own system for keeping track of everything.

I've got a notebook I put my activity and sketches in. An occasional photo. I can't keep the discipline of logging everything in detail with pictures. I don't see having trouble showing I did the work.... A lot of people have awesome online records of the work and its fun to get ideas or solutions from them. And everything in between is out there.... do what you like to do.
Thanks - as much as I love reading through people's blogs and stuff, it seems like I could spend hours per week updating it. I'd rather spend that time building. Perhaps I'll go the old fashion route and use a notebook as well as just take a ton of photos. I have no problem categorizing the photos and keeping them organized.
Thanks - as much as I love reading through people's blogs and stuff, it seems like I could spend hours per week updating it. I'd rather spend that time building. Perhaps I'll go the old fashion route and use a notebook as well as just take a ton of photos. I have no problem categorizing the photos and keeping them organized.

And keep some good old pencil-notes in your instruction manual/drawings as you go through - you'll even be able to recreate dates!
In the build manual, I put a check mark and the date I completed the task next to the paragraph that discusses what I was working on.

I've got a notebook I put my activity and sketches in. An occasional photo. I can't keep the discipline of logging everything in detail with pictures. I don't see having trouble showing I did the work.... A lot of people have awesome online records of the work and its fun to get ideas or solutions from them. And everything in between is out there.... do what you like to do.

I'm probably on the far end of the scale. Here's my routine.

Log time on loose leaf with detailed notes every day. Only work time.
Try to take one photo per day unless the work is routine like deburring.
Once a week or two photos get moved to the hard drive and loose leaf notes get transcribed to Excel. After that, copy paste to Google Blogger (link in signature) along with photos.
Download a back up of the blog file.
Notes in Excel get printed two sided for my log. Takes less space. I have trouble reading my own writing!
Hand written pages are kept in a binder for posterity.
All receipts get entered into the same spreadsheet and scanned. I track every purchase down to gloves and paper towels. Yea. Kinda sick.
Finally, all files, photos and blog backup get backed up to a NAS and a portable drive.
Portable drive travels with me for mobile access to my build.
Sounds like a ton of work but it's pretty quick and unless Google dies, will never get lost.
If anything happens, I have the PC and two backups.
When the DAR visit is due, I will either print the blog pages or just show the on line version along with my log.
Back in the day, I kept a throwaway film camera in the workshop and made a few pictures here and there. By the end, I probably had 300 pictures. That was more than sufficient.

It would be easier to do today with digital pictures.
All great suggestions. I've looked at the Google blogger app...and that could be a possibility. Maybe I'll go the old school route with a notebook, and post every once in a while with some photos.

My goal is to not bog myself down with all of it.

Thanks again for all the suggestions - can't wait to get started.
And when you take those digital pictures, PLEASE make them at least 3 Meg jpgs! You won't beleive how many incredible build stories there are from the past twenty years, and nothing but low resolution (640x480) pictures to go with them - my own included. and that menas...there's no artcile.

Someday, you'll be asked to write an article on your build....will you have usable pictures?! :)