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Keep Pounding Those Rivets


Well Known Member
I moved my airplane to my new home in New Smyrna Beach, FL about a month ago. I have not had much opportunity to fly due to working on home issues, getting my hangar squared away, fuel caps out being engraved, etc., etc, etc.
This afternoon I was at the airport loading a Dynon upgrade and loading the latest Vertical Power software. Also did a bit of modification to inlet baffles, gave the firewall forward a good look, and then was ready to go home.
It was a really beautiful evening as sunset approached, so, on the spur of the moment, I decided to pull the airplane out and go fly for a few minutes.

Guys and gals, this is what it is all about. It was clear, light winds, the sunset was beautiful, and the tower controller was friendly. A couple of touch and goes, then a trip south along the beach until the Cheltons showed that I was approaching the Space Center airspace. I could see the lights of the Shuttle tower! I turned around, got back in the pattern at KEVB and made a full stop landing. Tower cleared me to roll to the end and on in to my hangar. I said "thanks and goodnight tower" and he cheerfully came back with "goodnight airplane".
I taxied to the hangar, shut the airplane down in the twilight, and sat there for a minute. Approximately 18,000 hours, and I will remember this flight as one of the very best. 18.4 minutes of real pleasure.
Keep pounding those rivets!
Hello David
I know the feeling, I love pulling out the Supercub (back yard) and going up for a local flight. My hangar and strip 2000' , 300 ft from my house.
Like in the other post, still sanding on the cabin top and doors.As mentioned earlier, we have made reservations for Sun & Fun so we will have to meet up. We'll keep in touch.
At your old airport today, David, it was 11 degrees. There is glare ice on the hangar ramps on the south end of the airport where the sun doesn't strike.

You should have an RV grin just by virtue of being in Florida. ;)

At your old airport today, David, it was 11 degrees. There is glare ice on the hangar ramps on the south end of the airport where the sun doesn't strike.

You should have an RV grin just by virtue of being in Florida. ;)


I listened to Garrison Keelor's "Spring" Radio Show on PBS today. I'm so glad that I only see snow once or twice a year!!!!!!!! That's too much for me.

Had to contend with 50 deg temps yesterday for the $100 hamburger.:mad:
Bob's not kiddin'!

I had to fly up to the Twin Cities today from Texas on the Val....30 knot of headwind much of the way, and the temperatures just kept falling, and falling, and falling...when I landed at Anoka County, it was down in the Teens. And that was INSODE the cockpit! I'm glad Louise wasn't riding in the back seat - she'd have been a block of ice. At least it wasn't blowing! It's been 30 years since I flew a taildragger on snow/ice - fortunately the runway was fairly clear, but the taxiways were snow packed.

Yup, Florida has "certain advantages" this time of year....and yes, I listened to the Prairie Home "Spring" show on the XM on the way - kind of prepped me for the tundra!

Up here in Alaska

the days are getting longer and the ski flying is tops. I woke up this morning to the thought of "having to do chores" until my friend called to go ice fishing for pike about 10 minutes to the east. With 10 degrees outside, 20 minutes of 150,000 btu pre heat and we were off our home strip loaded with kids and gear (two Chiefs) A landing on untouched snow left both of our passengers saying "Wow we landed?" engine covers on, two fish, a campfire, meeting new people out and about on snow machines. Pack up to go and both plane pop off on the first pull. Take off run in my own tracks and follow my friend home close to sunset. I love this country.

-4 started and sold
dreaming again