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Hauling parts to the airport, DAR inspection, first flight, transition to Phase II; all are traditional milestones for any new experimental. For old married guys there is one more.

I was most of the way through a round-engine Skybolt when we had a bit of luck. Patti asked for go-places airplane and said she liked her previous -8 experience. I sold the Bolt and built this RV. In private I call it Patti's airplane. I make jokes about how she made me build it....tough job, somebody has to do it, yada, yada. Obviously there's a lot of BS there, but plenty of truth too. When you're married almost 31 years and she's still your best friend, you really want her to go along......and you really want her first trip to go right.

Patti has been hearing about Cedar Key for years, so it was first on the list. Yesterday the weather was flawless. The 390 put us above the bumps in less than 2 minutes. 9500 gave us a 20 knot tailwind; 20 MPG at 202 knots GS is a fine thing. Visibility was about 40 miles. The wind at CDK was straight down the runway. A vacationing pilot with a car immediately offered a ride into town. The oysters were fabulous and the pelicans were funny. By the time we got back to the airport the sun was down enough to kill most of the thermals, so we hugged the earth going home to beat the headwind. A beautiful enroute sunset, a squeaker at the home drome, then split a cold beer from the hangar fridge.


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Excellent Milestone!

and exactly "our" mission. Last night at diner with some friends, we talked about flying into Cedar Key as a nice RON stop before Sun & Fun.
---- Obviously there's a lot of BS there

Hey, you are a used car salesman, so I guess it is expected ;)

When you're married almost 31 years and she's still your best friend,

Big huge Congrats on that

you really want her to go along......and you really want her first trip to go right.

Sounds like it did.

The oysters were fabulous and the pelicans were funny.

Sounds like a line from a Jimmy Buffett song----(watch out for those oysters)

Yep, gotta agree there, sure sounds perfect to me.
She looks pretty comfortable in the back seat of that fastback. My wife and I went to northern Michigan several times last summer (<2 hours). I'm trying to talk her into setting back there for a longer trip in May - Austin, TX. She says she wants to stop every 2 hours. Yea! That's fine with me! Let me know how you get heat to the back seat. I have a removable scat tube laying along the side, but then it leaves nothing for me. Her heated seat isn't enough for a cold Ohio winter.
You may think this strange, but I didn't install heat of any kind. It just doesn't get very cold here and the canopy is a good greenhouse.

I did install power outlets for heated vests, but so far I've never used one.

It was about 40 OAT at altitude Sunday. Patti said she was quite comfortable except for a slight breeze blowing on the underside of her legs. We quickly tracked that to the small openings at the corners of the rear seat footwells....no carpet yet, and no aileron pushrod boots. She swears the rear canopy has no leaks.

In the photo Patti is wearing a light sweatshirt over a cotton turtle. I'm wearing a favorite flannel shirt over the same.
Taking a wife of 31 years along...

...will only help gaurantee another 31:)

Jenny wants me to get someone else to do Childrens' Church on Sunday so we can take the -10 to Jekyll Island....again:), with her teen son and his girlfriend.

Yep....what it's all about.

Heated vests

Dan, what heated vests are you refering to? I am going to install outlets for BMW riding suits. Any suggestions?

roll bar

Dan, did you make the roll bar behind you seat or have it fabricated? Is there a previous there a previous thread on this subject?


Dan, did you make the roll bar behind you seat or have it fabricated? Is there a previous there a previous thread on this subject?

The big U-bend is available from Showplanes. I added the brace tubes. They are not an optimum structural solution, but certainly better than no braces. You'll also add a mount point for a gas strut and the mid-canopy latch block.

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The big U-bend is available from Showplanes. I added the brace tubes. They are not an optimum structural solution, but certainly better than no braces. You'll also add a mount point for a gas strut and the mid-canopy latch block.

Very, very nice. Smoothed n' polished welds? TIG, MIG, gas? I've welded 4130 with all three, but I do better with TIG for really thin stuff (meaning .030 or less WT).
Very, very nice. Smoothed n' polished welds? TIG, MIG, gas?

Good eyes Lars. TIG, and the welds have been molded over with epoxy/micro after a pass through the bead blast cabinet. You see a lot of that in the chopper and custom car world. Covering a conventional weld in aircraft structure (motor mount, gear weldment, etc) is unacceptable practice, as such welds are stressed every flight and need to be inspectable. However, the roll bar assembly is a one time use item; no regular load, no possible service cracking.
Dan, most excellent! I am going to purchase one. I have often wondered why the airplane is stock without one.


Good for you!!!! I really like KCDK. Also, it's nice to have a spouse that enjoys RVs and day trips. I am blessed too.
Dan, most excellent! I am going to purchase one. I have often wondered why the airplane is stock without one.


The split canopy has a roll bar at the joint.

Also, a ShowPlanes roll bar just might not work for a stock setup-------rear seat access, mounting point width, and canopy height may be factors.

Give Brian a call at ShowPlanes, and discuss it with him.
I did not notice that, does Dan's airplane have one?


No, the factory setup is to split the canopy front and mount it to the fuse permanently, the back portion is what slides. There is a roll bar at the split.

The ShowPlanes website has a lot of slides of the side tip setup, look for projects, then RV 8.
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