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It's been fun


Well Known Member
To build something with your own hands from a vision is special as any builder knows. We've flown to see the kids, Oshkosh a few times, Fly-ins and SARL races in Texas, Washington, Idaho, and all over Montana. Commuted in it while building our retirement home 1hr flight vs 4.5hr drive away. Never planned on ever selling it...until life hands you a new plan.

The last 10+years have been a lot of fun, education, thrills and stress.but mostly fun. That all came to an end on Friday when I took my last flight in Aurora. It was an emotional day 2 weeks ago, when I said "Sold" to the offer on the table.

Finished up some todo items and checking the weather for a path to the Chicago area. Friday was the day to deliver. Hope I can make it all in one day, with a stop in Billings for transponder check.

It was -2*F when I blasted out of 8U8 early Friday morning trying to beat the snow engulfing the mountains. 10 minutes after launch, I was thinking I missed the window and had to find a path through the pass.

A few minutes weaving around and there's the hole. Looks like sunshine!

Power up and aim for the light. Picked up a good tailwind after rounding the Crazy Mtns. Pointed to Billings for a transponder check.



Andre at Aerotronics got me in and out in quickly. 1st leg done, no time for fuel....Now where's that tailwind I've got ground to cover. Here's eastern Montana for 11500

Approaching Powder River MOA, Center called and said "5BK, powder riviera MOA is hot" ok thanks, thinking I know it ok to be there.. 5 minutes later a new controller calls up and repeats the MOA is active warning. I don't cross a lot of Restricted type areas, so ask him...."do I need to do something different."
"No, just letting you know there military aircraft operating in the area."
Aurora is running as strong as ever, we're smoking across the prairie. So I told Center..." I think we can hold our own today"

It was -16C at 11500 but with a tip up canopy and the sun in full glory, I had to throttle the heater and even took off my down coat

Made it to KABR Aberdeen SD in 2.3hrs. Not too bad for over 420nm. Quick fuel stop, 1/2 cup of coffee and a piece of jerky. Back in the air with a new flight plan.... KABR- KENW.

Some where over Minnesota I think.

I had good tailwinds the whole day.

At Aberdeen, I shed a layer of fleece and put my down back on. That was a mistake, because the sun was now lower and moving to the rear quarter.

Time for the hat after almost 4hours at altitude sucking O2.

I was getting cold soaked by the time I started my descent into to Kenosha KENW

Landed in the setting sun. 1050nm+ detours, 5.5hrs including taxiing and 3 climb outs, total fuel 46.5gals.
I averaged over 220mph getting 25mpg due to some good tailwinds all day. But also Aurora was running like a top too. The cold smooth air was fantastic.

She's been a great plane, always better than I as a pilot. Hope the new owner enjoys her as much as we have.

Side note...
Yellow, Purple, and Green has always kept us safe, so i find it comforting that Kris's radiation mask/armor is yellow, purple and a little green stripe.


We will be back once we win this battle. Life is good.
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Brian------feel for you buddy, but you are doing the right thing---no question at all about that.

Praying for your wife.........
Thanks Mike. Some things are replaceable. But some are not. We've been together since high school. 38 years. She was feeling good this weekend so we took a drive a few miles down the road to Great Lakes Naval Training base.

22nd street gate...we had no car when we lived here, so we walked through this gate many many times.

Our first apartment was upstairs in this house 1/2 mile from base.

Today was day 5 of her daily radiation. She endure this for 6 more weeks. Her chemo is weekly so 6 more sessions of that too.

Sorry you had to let Aurora go...your buyer got a screaming nice airplane, but I agree it was the right thing to do. Kris is priority #1, everything else can be caught up later.

Give Kris a big hug from all of us at the VAF Forums, and let her know she has a world full of people pulling for her. It won't be easy, but it can be beat. My 87 year old father just finished his radiation sessions for a neuroendorcrine spinal cancer...his last scan came back clean, no sign of the tumor at all, so we're hopeful. It can be done!!

P.S. Take care of yourself too...cancer is hard on everyone in the family. We're just a short shout away if you need us.

Thanks for sharing your story and pictures.
All the best to you and your wife.
Sending prayers for complete recovery!
Prayers sent form out here also. we'll be thinking of you guys. Hope all goes well.
It is an experience to test the mettle of any spouse, watching your beloved being strapped into the machine, then you are escorted out to the waiting area where sometimes you get to see the "Radiation ON" safety lights illuminate. Then the endurance test comes in the form of chemo, where you get to see her struggle through some of the darkest days of her life. All for the hope of eking out a few more days together, days when you can be free of the machines and the chemicals. Every day is a gift. Too often we fail to make that realization until a life-changing event awakens us to this reality.

No doubt you have done the right thing in selling Aurora, and her last flight in your hands will be etched in your memory for years to come. I sincerely hope you have the opportunity to savor those memories for many, many days in the presence of your beautiful, healthy wife.
Thanks everybody. Kris's neck cancer is stage 4...but the doctors here said it was viral caused. The Tomotherapy treatment can target the tumor like scalpel. Said she'll have to endure one of the most aggressive and painful treatment protocols they perform. BUT, she's in good health, found it early and they expect a 100% in 7 weeks. So we're cautiously optimistic and glad we are here.

While I cherished building and flying Aurora, I am okay with sharing with a new owner to enjoy. We had a great 10 years, met some wonderful people and new way of life. We'll be back.

Life is Good, embrace it
My wife is also Kris with a "K". Our thoughts and prayers for you and your Kris are added to the rest. God bless.
Wow... what a powerful post, Brian. Prayers for you and Kris and hope for the best possible outcome!
Brian----please keep us informed of her progress. The good LORD does work miracles. Ask me how I know--
Thanks everybody. Kris's neck cancer is stage 4...but the doctors here said it was viral caused. The Tomotherapy treatment can target the tumor like scalpel. Said she'll have to endure one of the most aggressive and painful treatment protocols they perform. BUT, she's in good health, found it early and they expect a 100% in 7 weeks. So we're cautiously optimistic and glad we are here.

While I cherished building and flying Aurora, I am okay with sharing with a new owner to enjoy. We had a great 10 years, met some wonderful people and new way of life. We'll be back.

Life is Good, embrace it

I had a very similar diagnosis 3 1/2 years ago (stage 4, neck, viral cause). Today I am cancer free with just a few residual issues to live with.

There a lot more like me out there so this is something that can be beat.

I had to say goodbye to my plane at the time as well. Today I have a new and better one.

Stay positive!
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Just prayed for your wife

The outreach of this community is awesome and powerful. Keep trusting the Lord and his ways. Just prayed for your wife and know that the Lord will answer. Stay positive sir and thank you for sharing your story.

God Bless,
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What can be said?

Your post was amazing and inciteful to us all to take each day as it comes and be grateful for it.

A time to fly will come again.

Till then I pray your journey together will be rewarding in finding health and strength once again.

Thanks for post, my prayers for her recovery.
Were pulling for you guys!

Amanda and I are pulling and praying for both of you! This is a tough time... but the news sounds pretty good. :) Stay positive.
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Thank you for sharing your story!

My thoughts and prayers will be with the doctors, nurses, and technicians who will be helping Kris and you. But especially for Kris and you and your family for a complete recovery! An inspiration to us all.

Bill Stockburger
RV7A Slider
Sending positive thoughts for you and Kris, Brian. Just the other day I was doing a search here on the site, saw one of your posts, and thought "I wonder where Hydroguy is these days; haven't seen much from him lately". Now I understand. All the best in the coming days.

From personal experience, I know that no words can comfort. But, medical techniques and technology are making untreatable cancers treatable and treatable cancers curable. Best wishes, my thoughts are with you.
Go flying with someone once and awhile. It clears the head and enables you to be a better care giver.
Prayers and more!

We are praying and pulling for both of you! Can't wait to see reports and photos you both flying in Aurora II. Believe!

Just prayed for Kris and You. Our planes were almost the same paint scheme and always had fun during the build to hear from you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Keep us posted

Jack & Anita

Sending many prayers and positive thoughts for you and Kris, and your entire family during this challenging time. Know that you all have so many who are pulling for you. God Bless you both, and may your wife remain strong through all of this. You are doing the right things.
Very nice posting for a very awful reason. Wishing you the best of outcomes and a speedy return to enjoying life's opportunities.
Aurora/Brian and Kris

Absolutely one of the nicest gentlemen I've had the pleasure of knowing.
THE most important thing...

As you well know there are way, way more important things in life than personal sport aircraft, eternity being the BIG one.
We'll be praying for your wife's speedy recovery...
Phil 4:13
I've always enjoyed reading your posts and thought your plane looks amazing. Inspiration for me as I'm getting close to completing my -7. I'm based out of Waukegan and find myself up at ENW quite a bit so I'll keep an eye out for Auroroa. Can't wait to see it in person.

Best wishes for you and your wife during this really tough time.
best wishes Brian

looking forward to hearing of your wife's recovery and the next chapter in your journey.
I've always enjoyed reading your posts and thought your plane looks amazing. Inspiration for me as I'm getting close to completing my -7. I'm based out of Waukegan and find myself up at ENW quite a bit so I'll keep an eye out for Auroroa. Can't wait to see it in person.

Best wishes for you and your wife during this really tough time.

Well you can still use Aurora as inspiration to complete yours. She is fast and comfy on a cross country and pretty nimble on a playground.
Kenosha was just the transfer location. I was heading to Zion to be with Kris and the new owner met me there on Friday. It flew south the next morning. Off to the lands of green grass and sunshine.
Brian, I've always followed your progress/adventures, if only because my D180 tray found its way into your panel. : ) I'm sad to see you have to part with something you put so much effort into, but it really sounds like you have your priorities squared away.

Best wishes and prayers to you and your wife. Please keep us up to date.
Brian, Aurora will always remain in my mind as one of the most beautiful RV's I've ever seen. Even though I never got to see her in person. I'm still looking forward to meeting you and Kris one day soon. My journey has been slow for a lot of reasons, but you have always been an inspiration and great friend, and it's heartwarming to see you doing the right things for her. You and Kris are definitely in our prayers as well. God's blessings and healing to you both.
Prayers from myself and my whole family will be coming your way. So sorry to hear about your situation, I can only hope and pray for the best possible outcome for you both. God bless.
first sorry about the 3rd party host messing up the pictures of a lot of threads, but try this if you want to see them.

Photobucket fix:
there are a few browser extensions that reverse this issue and allow the pictures to be viewed again.

If you're using Google Chrome like I do, go to the three dots on the right side of the screen and click them. A drop down should appear. Hover your mouse over "More Tools," and when the next drop down appears, slide over and click on "Extensions". Go to the link towards the bottom that says "Get more extensions." In the search box, type "Photobucket Fix," and hit Enter. Three versions of this service appear...I chose the first one. Click the install button and once it's done, you should be able to see Photobucket pictures again on the forums where you saw the dreaded box.

For FireFox users, click on the three bars on the right side of the screen, then click on "Add Ons". Click search for "Photobucket hotlink" and click Install. Same result.

Hope this helps...
so, it has been about year since I listed Aurora for sale. It was a sad decision, but the right one. Kris and I were about to start the battle of her life.

Short version: We won..for now.

Longer version: she went through Hel*, hung around there for too long but crawled back to the surface. We are forever grateful for all the thoughts,prayers and good wishes. She suffered some pretty bad radiation burns to the neck and throat, had to stop treatment and in ICU. Feeding tube since she couldn't swallow even water. But at the point of giving up...we didn't. She has had several checks since treatments were done and there is no sign of the tumor and all tests show Cancer Free!
Thank you all for being there for her. I also highly recommend the Cancer Treatment Center of America. Let me know if you want more info.
Now onward to the future!

I can't afford a flying plane or buy back Aurora...(plus I think the owner is kind of attached to it). We have decided, we have room in our budget to build again. Looking for a dormant project RV-7 would be ideal, but open to other RV's too.
I have a '59 C-182 that might be able to work into a deal with someone. I'm in a 50/50 partnership situation, but other owner isn't flying it.

Life is good, go enjoy it.
Merry Christmas everybody
That?s great news regarding Kris. I?m glad she is on the mend. Thank you for the update and good luck on your next build.