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It Flies!!


My partners, Les, Mike and I recently completed work on our RV7A after 3 years of work. It has a 180hp Superior 360XP engine assembled by Aerosport Power, one LightSpeed, Precision fuel injection and an Aerocomposites prop. We have the Skytech light weight starter and a B&C 20 amp alternator running off the vacuum pad. Empty weight is 1151# with lots of sound insulation and a full interior and paint.

I flew N217RV for the first time last Thursday, June 19th. The first flight was by the book and the plane flies great. I think it may need a little right rudder trim, but otherwise no squawks.

Thanks to Mike, Les, Jerry, Colby, Dale, Dave, Gene, Tad, Ron, Steve, John and many others who helped with and shared in this wonderful experience. And thanks to Van's for a super airplane.

John Roberts
N217RV, Ser# 70671
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Congratulations to your entire group John! Beautiful airplane you have there. Enjoy it!
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Congratulations John, Les and Mike!!! Welcome to the 'other half' of the hobby - flying!


May you have many, many enjoyable hours! Just wait 'til you depart from Sun-n-fun and outclimb a Mooney then pass a Comanche on your way to 4500 feet. I then kept pace with another a/c in the distance and he slooowly got closer and closer until I realized that it was a TWIN Comanche!! I could not believe that this little -6A was as fast as a Twin Co.

Congratulations guys, :D
Things are different now

After the 40 you'll find how different you view traveling. No more traffic BS, stress from driving and much more time at your destination.

Great job and enjoy. You'll love it.
Braggin Rights

pierre smith said:
May you have many, many enjoyable hours! Just wait 'til you depart from Sun-n-fun and outclimb a Mooney then pass a Comanche on your way to 4500 feet. I then kept pace with another a/c in the distance and he slooowly got closer and closer until I realized that it was a TWIN Comanche!! I could not believe that this little -6A was as fast as a Twin Co. Congratulations guys, :D
Your post makes me laugh. I knew the day would inevitably come when the resident V-tail Bonanza owner based at our small field and I would race. Sure enough, one day Randy was airborne at the same time as I and heard me report pattern entry from the north. He radioed " Hey Rick, if you have the time ...how about a speed comparison?" and suggested a rendezvous a few miles north of the field. After an immediate 180 on my part, we soon linked up. Wingtip to wingtip and when all was agreed, we both went to full throttle. I pulled away from him in mere moments. Soon enough, Randy asked..."Rick, what groundspeed is your GPS reporting?" I said " I'm showing 196 MPH." I then followed as matter-of-fact as I could muster with...."Randy, what is your groundspeed showing?" He replied "H'mm, mine's indicating 181 MPH." Barely containing myself, I said, "Randy, I only have a 160 HP engine." "Yea, I know it!" he said. "I guess those RV's really are fast after all."

Another time many months later, the resident Mooney owner was at altitude headed north to refuel at a nearby airport. I heard his report and initiated an intercept. After a time, I spotted him up ahead and radioed "Jack, this is Rick. I'm coming up from behind, on your right." "Whaaaaat?" he said. I quickly overtook him. Later that day in our pilots lounge, Jack told everybody within earshot "I saw him coming, and I saw him going." He then turned to me with his large and raised outstretched arms and laughingly gestured "I bow to your RV!" :D
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Bonanza Bashing!

Rick, I just couldn't resist posting a reply to your post on Bonanza bashing. I have a Bonanza, an H-35 240 HP that burns 11.5 gph all day long and true, it only does about 180mph which isn't too bad. When I take a family trip, I pull out the Bonanza and pack it with more stuff than I can put in the trunk of a full size car and I put FOUR adults in it and to Vegas I go, or wherever.... Any time you want to race, I am ready and I will bet my entire life savings that I will win. You pick the place and we will both transport FOUR adults to wherever you want to go! Lets keep the legs down to about 2 hours though because it is going to take you THREE trips to get everyone there! I don't want to spend all day waiting for you! :D
Les & John,

I had heard that you two were flying, that is great news!

For the rest of you, their plane is something to see. There are so many little touches that make it very nice. The canopy latch is one that just sticks in my mind!
I know I already posted to this thread but everytime I come here and see:

First Flight: John Roberts (& Les and Mike)

With my name in there it gets me going. Sure will be nice when it is really my name.

The more I look at the paint job the better it looks and I liked it really well to start with!
No bashing here...........

Rick, your post sure perked me up (at 5 ayem!). I love Bonanzas and flew a Baron for a while. I miss the extra seats in the back sometimes but when I level off at, say 4500' on a quick trip home like yesterday.......65 miles....and see 196 at 2600 RPM, my wife just sits there with that perpetual GRIN as well.

Bonanzas are just classy airplanes and a V-tail always turns my head. My wife was my fiancee at the time of the Sojourner's first flight last November, said a beautiful God-be-with-you prayer, and we married a month later.........YYEESSSSSSSS RVs rule! :p

ps. For all you guys drillin'-and-cussin'-and hammerin'.......you just don't realize how soon you'll be in the air. Keep the faith and just do each little task and very soon there will be no more!