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Installing cowling over exhaust?


Well Known Member
I am stumped by something that should be easy. I just installed the muffler and then tried to install the bottom cowl to check alignment of the exhaust pipe in the cowl opening. I cannot figure a way to tilt/angle the cowl to get it under the end of the pipe and up into place. Perhaps I will need to trim the pipe a bit but I hesitate to do that until the cowl is in place so that I can measure the minimum distance. It does not look like it is that long anyway. What is the trick for this?

There is a procedure coming up to trim the exhaust pipe so only 4" (I think, check the plans) is extending out past the cowl.
Trimming exhaust

Thanks Larry- I saw that coming up in the plans. However, it indicates only doing so once the cowl is in place and you can confirm the amount the pipe extends beyond the cowl. I cannot seem to get the cowl in a position to get it over the pipe and in place.

There is enough give in the muffler due to the springs so that you can get it on. It was a pain, but do able. I wound up cutting about 3" off, so if it just won't go, you can approximate the level of the cowl using a straight edge, measure and leave some extra, then cut the tail pipe.

You can't pull the sides of the cowling apart far enough to get the hole in the bottom aft of the pipe? The front of the cowling can be as low as you need it. It doesn't hurt to pull the sides apart.
One important thing to consider is that you need to position the cowl to start it over the pipe before lifting the front end of the cowl behind the spinner. Even after you have trimmed the pipe you need to get the pipe into the cowl cut out before lifting the cowl behind the spinner.
it will go on without cutting pipe

The bottom cowling will go on without cutting the exhaust pipe if the cowling is orientated the right way. You will be amazed at how easy it and ask yourself why you did not try that. Turn the bottom half of the cowl at a 45 degree angle towards the right (passenger side). Slide the cowling slot onto the nose strut with the pilot side of the cowling above the strut and the passenger side under the strut. The cowling has holes in it for the cover that goes around the nose strut. Maneuver the cowling so that the second hole from the front on the pilot side is above the nose strut and the exhaust hole is lined up with the exhaust pipe. Raise the cowl around the exhaust pipe and rotate the cowl into its normal position. If you have to force it, it is not orientated correctly. Be careful not to scratch the right side of the fuselage with the cowling hinge.
It would be nice if the plans specified how much to cut off the pipe and at what angle BEFORE the muffle is installed.
one last thought...you don't already have the piece screwed onto the inside of the nose leg gap do you? Not likely at this point, but that would make it impossible to put on.
Thanks all- will try again

Thanks all for the ideas. Firstly, during my initial attempt, I was starting with the cowling all the way down the nose gear leg, attempting to get the pipe engaged in the hole before lifting it into position. Pete- nope, the nose gear leg filler plate is not installed.

Joe- your description is great and is just what I was looking for. I did start an attempt in the way you describe but will go at it again. My Skyhawk is very similar- there is a specific sequence to getting the cowl over the exhaust pipe and behind the spinner without scratching paint, etc. Once you figure it out, you never forget!

Glad you got it on Jeff. Joe is pretty good at explaining solutions...his ideas have been helpful to me in the past. As have Scott's...my favorite was the best way to get your oil can to burp quicker.
Much easier once the exhaust pipe is trimmed

Thanks all for the suggestions- using Joe's suggested technique, I got the cowling on and measured and trimmed to exhaust pipe such that it extends about 4 3/4 inches below the cowl. This makes installation and removal of the bottom cowl MUCH easier.
