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Importing Homebuilt From Canada Into US - Process?


Well Known Member
Not sure this post is in the right forum, but we'll give it a whirl...

I've been asked by an acquaintance who is a US citizen what the process would be for him to import a homebuilt aircraft into the US. The aircraft he is considering is a plans-built airplane and was built in Canada something like 35 years ago.

If anybody has done this before and can give guidance it would be most appreciated as I didn't know where to advise him to start looking, other than going to EAA.

Thanks in advance for your well-considered and helpful replies.
I'm in the process of certificating 2 aircraft today that have been imported from Canada. First you must deregister the aircraft from Canada. Then you must get the aircraft registered in US.

The aircraft must meet all US requirements for amateur-built status. i.e. the applicant must show proof that the aircraft was 51% amateur-built and sign an eligibility statement (FAA form 8130-12).
If the aircraft has been flown more than 40 hrs. and has not been modified then the Phase I flight testing will be waived.
Thanks for your input, Mel. Would appreciate any guidance you might be able to provide with respect to proving the aircraft is 51% amateur-built, particularly an aircraft which may have been built 3 or 4 decades ago; build records often disappear over that many years.

I'm open to suggestions as to how this might be do-able. Thanks!
Canada to US


You may wanna give a call to the MDRA ( Which inspect all Homebuilts in Canada) they may have records of the require inspections you're looking for.

A friend is selling his RV-4 and had a few inquiries from the States so He ( I ) will be interested to know how it went for you and your friend..

Keep us posted.

[email protected]
Thanks, Bruno. The aircraft in question was built long before MD-RA was even a twinkle in Transport Canada's eye. And long before the various stages of inspection were required. I've already done an ATIP request for all of TC's records so I think I've got that base covered. Still not sure what the FAA/DAR would find acceptable as proof of the 51% requirement. This aircraft has only ever been offered as a plans-built aircraft so there's no confusion around fast-build/slow build etc.
other problems imminent....

I'm not sure the aircraft would even FLY in the U.S.....

it just wouldn't run right on that cheap Avgas, nor properly go around TFRS and MOA's, and likely the radios would be unable to transmit unless the correct enunciation used:
"...by gar, she's aboot fife towsand feet'n clear here, eh!? "
I was wondering that too.

I was once on a trip to Toronto and the waitress at a resturant was very friendly and was making fun of our accents. I thought it was really funny since I thought we only did that of Canadians.

Pretty fun Eh?
canada to us

Mel, if the airplane was built in the US with Airworthiness and registration then imported to Canada. Is it easier to import back to the US based on its previous history as a US airplane? RV 6 in this instance
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