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I'll bet that I'm the first to do this!

Feel for you. That's part of the fun in building. You just have to chuckle a bit and "grin and bear it". There are not many rivets in the doubler and they are accessible. Get with it!!! Drill 'em and make it RIGHT!! I'll bet the folks that answer the phones at Van's have heard MUCH, MUCH worse! :D :D
These things always (well, usually) look better in the morning. I'll have those doublers moved in an hour or so. Still, what a silly mistake!
Our tuition bill (replacement parts) has been around $350 on #120177. The first time I called Van's replacement hotline I was nervous and all ready with a story, but by the 8th call it was pretty casual.
It's when you call Van's to order yet another replacement part and the parts person knows your kids names and how they are doing in school that you know you are in trouble. Most of us have done at least one dumb thing during the build. Don't worry about it, drilling rivets is no big deal after you've done it a couple of times.
These things always (well, usually) look better in the morning. I'll have those doublers moved in an hour or so. Still, what a silly mistake!

Try pouring gasoline on your lexan window and you'll feel much better about your doublers!
It's when you call Van's to order yet another replacement part and the parts person knows your kids names and how they are doing in school that you know you are in trouble. Most of us have done at least one dumb thing during the build. Don't worry about it, drilling rivets is no big deal after you've done it a couple of times.

It's nice having replacement parts priced so reasonably at Vans. Not that I would ever need any. ;)
I can't prove this for sure...

but I think I've bought enough do-over parts from Van's to build another half airplane. Just think of it as another "mulligan". I'm pretty sure that won't be your last.

Bill Near
Dave, check my comment on your home post last night. And when you get that feeling that it's time to quit, DO. The voice of experience here. After all these years, I still have that urge to press on, and if I do, I ALWAYS regret it later.

I'm learning a lot more...

Very good advice!

I've noticed that I'm learning a lot more from this project than how to dimple nutplates and drill out rivets, although I'm getting better at the latter than I had hoped to.

I'm learning (at arguably far too late a point in my life) that patience truly is a virtue, attention to detail is even closer to Godliness than cleanliness is, and knowing when to say when is a critical skill to nurture.

Dave, check my comment on your home post last night. And when you get that feeling that it's time to quit, DO. The voice of experience here. After all these years, I still have that urge to press on, and if I do, I ALWAYS regret it later.
