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Ile Ronde, St. Lawrence River, East of Montreal


Well Known Member
Ile Aux Coudres - St. Lawrence River, East of Quebec City

Two folding bikes and an airplane... what to do? How about a trip to a small island east of Quebec city. We had been to Ile Aux Coudres (CTA3) many years ago, but on a car vacation. It is a small island with a spectacular view as you drive or cycle around (only about 24 km ... that's only about 14 miles for the metric impaired). The photos do not do it justice.

Here's a link to the tourism site that contains some history and some more photos http://www.tourismeisleauxcoudres.com/?page=accueil&l=en

We were in no hurry, so we setup our o-320 to be running frugally, and cruised on at about 130 kts. Took about 2 hours from Ottawa. We used flight following both ways, and hand-offs and communications were the best I've had.

The photo below shows the view of the island just as we are passing some mountains.

Turn for landing on 35

Backtracking the runway. Fairly smooth grass and gravel runway. It is privately owned, however prior permission not required. The owner was actually out at the field to greet some other visitors. She came over to chat and give us a pamphlet with a map for cycling. Her son used to be the driving force for the airfield, since he loved flying and was a pilot. He passed away a few years ago. The airfield is up for sale, so if anyone wants to retire in a gorgeous setting, this may be the ticket.

All packed and ready to go.


Bicycle for the RV-10? I don't think this one folds.

I thought this one was interesting. It's a Bike Buddy side by side. Just like for planes, some of us prefer side by sides.

Part II









Quebec city. Bit of a haze, but otherwise clear skies. You gotta love our September weather, after the miserable summer we've had. This was a really nice day trip.

Thanks Alfio.
Nice to see what/how people use their planes. Also, great to see your wife is taking advantage of the flying. It seems many wives dont see the fun ahead. Enjoy. If you even head my way, Pelee Island and Tobermory are local favourites for a nice quiet and scenic place to spend a day.
Alfio, you realize, of course, that you are just making me more frustrated that I can't get out flying because we're so busy building the new house, don't you ? ARGH!

Next year, that's what I keep saying to myself, next year... :eek:

Have you been to Pelee Island yet? We took the -8 down there a few years ago and rented bikes for a couple of days. It was nice, and bike friendly, too.

Wow, this is a nice place to go!

I'll rent a spam can and go there. Quebec City is 1h flight from my home airport - at C172 speeds ;)

What's the name of the airport?
We seem to be on an island theme .... I guess it is the inaccessibility, or difficulty of access that fascinates us. An adventure...

Ile Ronde is a tiny island just east of Montreal on the River. It has a grass strip, which by the way, is very nice. The airstrip is not in the CFS (Canadian Flight Supplement). It is only accessible by boat or airplane. There is a passenger ferry that I believe comes from St. Sulpice.

Our day trip was about 2 weeks ago. We did not find any interesting fly-in destinations, so we decided to look up the Pilottes de Brousse du Quebec fly-ins (Qubec bush pilots association). They were planning a little gathering at the winery at Ile Ronde. Winery! Drats, and I'm the designated flier. Shirley happy, me happy:)

This is before owning our two folding bikes, but bicycles would not have made a difference since the island is so small. The vineyard itself is only about 3 1/2 acres.

The web site for the vineyard provides some info on the location of the island http://www.domainedelileronde.com/accueil.html
It is located near St. Sulpice. Here's the info from their website:
Piste d'atterrissage sur gazon
Orientation de la piste : 06° - 24°
Élévation de la piste : 42 pieds
Longueur de la piste : 2500 pieds
Largeur de la piste : 100 pieds
Attention à l’approche de la piste #06 fils électriques.
It would be wise to contact them early and find the right person to speak to regarding runway conditions. My call did not get to the right person, and they did not know much about the runway.

What is interesting is that the owner is not a pilot. The winery started in in the mid 90's, the runway and docks were built about 4 years ago to promote the tourism part of the business. You gotta love that kind of thinking!

I thought I would be smart and Google Map the location. It came up with a little island just off Sorel (I had not noted the info on their website saying they were near St. Sulpice). Off we go, and start searching and searching for the island. No airstrip. Meanwhile, we are hearing plenty of traffic on the default designated frequency, but no joy. We land at Sorel, and find out it is located closer to Montreal:cool:

Took off again, and in 10 minutes located the airstrip quite easily this time:rolleyes: Distances become so short with an RV.

Enough with the chatter ... here are the photos:







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Thanks for the comments. I hope these posts are a good motivator to you (I know it was for us) all that are drilling, deburring, head scratching, priming (let's not go there ...). We all know that pounding the rivets is 5% of the total work of building a plane, so it needs no mention.

The airstrip is in the CFS. Ile Aux Coudres CTA3. Fairly smooth 2500/40 ft. turf gravel.

If the weather was good, and had no other engagements, we would go flying. Shirley just can't seem to get enough travel! All we need is destinations, and we'll keep the Pelee Island in mind (have received several recommendations). We might consider Grand Manan island off New Brunswick / Nova Scotia in the next couple of weeks. It will be on our way to Prince Edward Island.

Speaking of bike friendly, Ile Aux Coudres has a bike sign drawn on the roads. Basically it is a bicycle path, that is shared with cars. Most drivers are slow and courteous, though we did get a couple that .... well, it is Quebec, and being a former Quebec driver I know what that is all about:D

Hey Mark, I know where you are coming from. While building the plane, we did some renovations to the house, and that chewed up quite a bit of 'build time'. Then again, it needed to be done. All about priorities.
Thanks for the comments. I hope these posts are a good motivator to you (I know it was for us) all that are drilling, deburring, head scratching, priming (let's not go there ...). We all know that pounding the rivets is 5% of the total work of building a plane, so it needs no mention.



Good stuff and excellent motivator! I am going down to the shop for 30 minutes to do something today...