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VAF Moderator / Line Boy
What a beautiful day in southern California! The sun was out, the sky had nothing but a few high stratus (with the hint of a storm to come from the northwest tonight), and visibilities upward of a hundred miles. It was a PERFECT day to go ?IFR? as a matter of fact. No, not THAT IFR?.I am talking about ?I Follow Rosie?, or more appropriately WE follow Rosie (Louise had to get her leg in the front seat of course). Rosie who? Well, Paul Rosales and his better half, Victoria, AKA ?Tuppergirl? of course. After a number of years flying in to our cabin at Big Bear Lake and trying to coordinate our schedule, we finally caught the two of them at home when we had the day free, and we didn?t want to waste the opportunity to see their airpark home and get in a little flying.

I?ll skip the home tour, except to say that it?s mighty impressive to have your own three-story, climate controlled control tower cab. I?m going to have to see if we can fit one of those into the plans for our next Airpark home. It must be tough living in the Antelope valley with good flying weather almost every day of the year, but I suppose that someone has got to do it. We zipped on down the hill from Big Bear, skirting around Roger?s and Rosamond ?not so dry? lakes to alight at their hangar at noon.


?Don?t eat before you get here? Rosie texted me before we left ?we?ll go and get lunch!? Knowing that SoCal has a large and varied number of airport venues in which to get a bite to eat, I was curious where he would lead us ? and we were extremely pleased with his choice.

I had seen Lake Isabella on a previous trip down the Sierras, and knew that the Kern Valley airport was nestled up to the northern shore, but had no idea just how spectacular the flying would be. Using the IFR method, all I had to do was stay in a loose gaggle position on Rosie?s wing, and listen to the travelogue on the air-to-air channel from lead.

?That?s an old rusty gold mine down there on the right.?

?The windmills keep growing, and now they are even moving out on to the valley floor.?

?Take a look down there ? that?s the Tehachapi Loop, and you rarely see a train negotiating it!?

?The trick to flying in the mountains is to not hit the dirt!?

?Two, go trail and take separation, we?re on a straight in to the right downwind for 17, and I can tell from the lake that the wind is calm.?

?Fly downwind through that saddle, bank hard right on to the base and let the bottom drop out to make the runway.?

To Be Continued....
The Rest of the Story....

Lunch was wonderful at a small, five-table caf? right on the airport. We reminded ourselves that calories don?t count when consumed at an airport restaurant, or while on vacation, so we figured we were double covered on the diet and enjoyed a burger so big it was hard to finish. After lunch, it was time to mount up and follow Rosie and Victoria back to Rosamond before they cut us loose for Big Bear, and it was Louise?s leg, so I settled in to the back seat with the camera. High clouds heralded the arrival of the next snow and rainstorm, the low clouds spilling up out of the San Joaquin Valley to engulf the Tehachapi?s.


The travelogue, of course, continued?.

?Do you see that billboard on the top of the mountain? We figure it couldn?t REALLY be advertising anything?.? (Louise opined that it might be an outdoor theatre screen for hikers?.)

?Hey Rosie, how come there are so many baby windmills?? ?They?re a lot cheaper! You two have a safe flight back to Big Bear ? we?re gonna? roll off for home?

And in the wink of an eye, the green and yellow RV with more travel miles than most was gone down below. Great Scenery and good friends ? how can you beat that!


it is so weird to see pictures of my home area while i am in Texas. Glad to see you guys are having fun.
nice stuff. guess you can say rosie is an ifr instructor. a little easier than following a cdi.
<snip> Great Scenery and good friends – how can you beat that! <snip>


You can't...there's no better way to spend the day! :D

P.S. Your last photo has found it's way into my "friends" folder in my wallpaper collection. Thanks!
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The "billboard" on the top of the mountain might be a microwave signal reflector. Cheaper to install and maintain then a repeater, etc.
