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IFR trip to Sebring Light Sport Expo a challenge


Well Known Member
On Saturday Jan 25th, I had planned to fly down to Sebring, FL to the Light Sport Expo from Waycross, GA. Ground fog over much of south Georgia and all of Florida delayed my take off until 10AM when the ceiling was up to 900 ft. at Waycross, KAYS and seemed to be lifting in southern Florida. I had calculated it would take 1:45 to get to Sebring so I didn't worry about the late take off. What I didn't count on was what effect the air show would have in IFR flights!
I took off and broke out at about 3,000 ft. and all seemed well until just below Lakeland, LAL. Center asked that I enter a hold over Wacula Airport and it took 30+ min before I was cleared to Sebring. My flight on Flightaware.com shows the multiple times over Wacula.

The integration of the Garmin 430 displaying the radial on the OBS, the GRT PFD and HSI set on heading bug, and the Trutrak A/P with GPSS made consistent holds almost easy and certainly better than I could have flown by hand.
The 1hr 45 min flight turned into 2h 40 min because of the delays filing a IFR flight plan but would not have been possible otherwise.

The Expo was a great place to show case light sport aircraft and Vans had a booth there.

I had expected to see the RV12 but I only saw a RV9A. To be honest, however, I think mine is prettier ;)

On the flight back I had to climb to 10,000 to get on top and the ceiling was 1400 ft back at KAYS. The flight back only took 1hr 30 min. and the A/P flew a perfect LPV approach there.

Air shows can be fun, but in IMC weather the flight to them can be challenging and one must be ready for amended flight plans, multiple holds, and increased traffic!
Cleve, You are THE man! Great write-up. I wanted to fly sooo bad this weekend but the low ceilings at Perry kept me in the hangar doing an oil change.
wish i was there.

looks like the pic was 2008 and overcast. did you do the gps 36 into sebring? was it busy? turbo
Expo facilities are being stretched; Plan on a long day

The ceiling was up to 2500 ft when I got to Sebring so I broke out there and was able to land with VFR rules. I was 4th plane on final and there were several behind me when I landed. You can see on the picture of my holding patterns, that I really had to extend my down leg and make a little hook to fall in behind the last plane before me.
The parking was a mess. I had to park in the overflow across the 18/36 runway from the FBO. There were no tie downs there and the fuel truck couldn't/wouldn't cross the runway to refuel me. To get to the Expo we had to get on a shuttle and go way around the auto race track.
Before takeoff, I had to get in a line of several planes to cross the runway for fuel, and they were busy so this took a while.
I heard that this was the busiest year the Expo has had, and the facilities are really being stretched.
Particularly if one has the file IFR, better plan on a very long day if you want to begin to see all of the exhibits! There are very many! I would have loved to spend the night! Maybe next year!
This is an interesting plane don't you think?
Good write up. I'm staying over in Ft. Pierce right now (60 mile due east) thought about flying but drove over instead. I'm glad I did after reading this. The RV-12 was there, it might have been flying by the time you got there, the 9A was parked at a different booth. I forgot my camera (sorry Doug) so no pictures.

It was my first time at Sebring so I wandering around checking out all the LSAs and while walking through one of the tents I heard a familiar voice call my name. I looked around and there was Lucas from Tru-track sitting all by his lonesome in a display booth. Ended up spending most of the day chatting with him in the booth. It was a perfect day as far as weather, the clouds kept the sun at bay and it was breezy so walking around was bearable.

All in all and wonderful day of airplanes and friends.
Gosh, I thought I had to go west to get to the international date line. Maybe it is east;)
Sorry, I even get confused over the year and my dates are never correct if I don't look at my watch. :)