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IFR near to but not directly to OSH?


Well Known Member
OK so we're planning to fly up from Virginia tomorrow morning. I'm looking at tomorrow's weather and western Indiana and most of Illinois looks like IFR may be the best bet until north of Chicago. I don't want to go IFR to OSH (don't have a reservation to do so). If I read the NOTAM right it would appear that I can file to a fix no closer than 60NM out, cancel at that point and proceed VFR to OSH -- is that correct? Any comments or recommendations on this course of action?
Past few years, and what we're going to do tomorrow, is file to Dodge Co (KUNU). Seemed to work just fine with Milwaukee. They even asked when we approached whether we were actually landing or just continuing to Ripon. Best part is, just outside of Dodge Co. are the railroad tracks that run to Ripon, then turn north out of Ripon to Fisk.
If it ends up looking VFR from Chicago I will often file to Gary, IN. That way I can fly from there on without getting directed way around Chicago, either just to the west or for a great view fly the Chicago lakefront. 1000' off shore at 2000' AGL is a great view.
+1 for KUNU. We did that yesterday, but we cancelled before Chicago so they wouldnt vector us around the Class B via Montana.

So I flew both to and back from OSH IFR. I did not use the STMP Reservation procedures as I had planned to actually arrive and depart OSH VFR. I had absolutely no issues at all. Per advice here and over on POA, I filed from my fuel stop to KUNU going up. I got one amendment enroute that kicked me out further West (SMARS int) around Chicago, but that was OK. About 100NM South of KUNU I was told to standby for a 2nd amendment at which point I cancelled but Madison Approach kept me on the same sqawk and provided VFR flight following without me asking for it. I was still on it 25NM south of Ripon when I asked about turning the transponder to standby at which point he terminated radar services and I completed the Ripon VFR arrival. Not sure if I hadn't asked the question how long he'd have let me motor on towards Ripon.

For the flight back I filed the routing identified in the NOTAM for a SE course to my fuel stop in Ohio, departed VFR (along with a whole bunch of other folks due to the Meridian crash) and picked my clearance up in the air per the NOTAM. Easy peasy.