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Ideas for 'RVTalk' show...seeking input.


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
I'd like to host on VansAirForce.net a series of audio interviews with various people from the RV community. My leaning is to come up with a set number of questions (same for each person), let them reflect on them in advance, and then have them answer them in their own voice.

Some ideas so far for questions:
  • Your flying background
  • How you were introduced into RVs
  • Favorite flying story (doesn't have to be RV-related)
  • Most emotional moment flying...the 'I'm so privalaged to be able to see this' moment (doesn't have to be RV-related)
  • 'Closest call' and what you learned from it.
  • What you 'thought' you'd use your RV for (while building) - what you actually use it for.
  • If you could go back in time and do something differently...
Here's my short list for possible interviewees:
Van (duh :) ), Ken Krueger, Rosie, Smokey, Scorch, Jay Pratt, Danny King - if all these decline I'll do the first one <g>.

So, that's the start of the idea. Comments, gentlemen?

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tips from a DAR

I went into my DAR inspection with a little anxiety. I'm sure that's not unusual. Maybe have a respected DAR familar with RV inspections give some tips on common errors or how to prepare to make it more smooth. The tips I received on this forum were very helpful, but it may be something folks would like to listen to as well. thanks, jack

bring your recorder.,.,,.,. . I have a lot of tails.,.,.,., Some of the most scarry are of a newbie lost after dark and in no danger,except in his own mind.
i was borne a butterfly,just gotta fly,,,,,/././
OSH of old,,, RV3 stuff I have seen, Van stuff, there used to be a RV3 flying team. all yellow,.,.one crashed @ OSH
My first CC flight I saw my favorite airplane in THE sky with me?, [double small letters}