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IAC offering 50% discount for new members!


Well Known Member
It's no secret that the International Aerobatic Club (IAC) is extremely interested in attracting RV pilots to join and participate in aerobatic competition. With nearly 7000 aerobatic capable RV's out there it is a wonder that only a handful of RV pilots are competing. You may be getting a letter in the mail from IAC president Mike Heuer, inviting you to join IAC at a 50% discount. If you don't get the letter, no worries, go to IAC.org/join and make your application on line.

I have been competing for four years now and I assure you that the RV is a very capable performer in the Primary and Sportsman categories and the IAC is now designing the Intermediate category of competition to be within RV design capabilities, even without inverted systems!

I hope this great offer from IAC prompts you to give aerobatics a try. Caution: you may get hooked!

Mike Heuer, thanks for all your efforts on behalf of RV pilots. :D