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I was watching an episode..

Jerry Fischer

Well Known Member
of Aircraft Repo the other evening (I know it's mostly staged), but Kevin Lacey was building an empennage for an RV7 in his hangar & I thought it was a good plug for the folks who are RV enthusiasts.;)
...which makes me wonder....a poll?

I'd hate to see an RV project Repo'd.......but ,
I can make a wild guess that those borrowing $$ might run about 3%, but we could do a poll of how people have funded their RV.... and other flying afflictions.
such as.....
- sold another plane ( traded up or down?)
- sold another piece of recreational equipment ( camper/cottage)
- sold a kidney
- won the lottery
- got a divorce ( typically net loss, right?)
- loan from family member ....anticipating a ride
- saved for 'x' years
- started a special 'lab' in their basement, changed name to 'Heisenberg'
- cashed in RSP / 401K / food stamps etc.
- pilfered kids college funds
- started a special 'lab' in their basement, changed name to 'Heisenberg'
My wife and I (taken late last October, I believe).
I sold two boats, saved for years, dug coins from the cracks of the couch, postponed my retirement and talked my wife into getting a second job. Now if I could only afford some AVGAS!
The great thing is, I can and do use that stuff while building! The gloves come in handy when using acid etch and alodine, dust masks for grinding, Tyvek suits for shooting primer... it was all cheap and reusable.