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HS Rear Spar Question

Will Womack

Well Known Member
On the last step of riveting the Horz Stab together, the instructions don't say to rivet the rear spar to the aft flanges of HS-706 (outboard rib) or HS-405 (inboard rib). Is there some reason to leave these open for now or can I go ahead and rivet this?

Needless to say it is very exciting to actually have something now that strongly resembles a piece of an airplane :)
Yup, there is a reason.

There are 2 generally accepted methods of assembling these components.

The old method, like my plans showed (and the method I did NOT go with) is to rivet them and squeeze your hand inside the skin as you are close it up.

The new method, is to leave them out. This allows you to do all the skin rivets, insert the rear spar, do the trailing edge rivets and then to the rear spar to rib rivets with BSPQ 4 (I THINK that is the callout) pulled rivets LAST. This means you will need 8 of them in all.

My plans (being old) didn't show this method, but a fellow builder decribed the technique and I went with it.

Doug (or anyone else), *IDEA*...

Can someone scan in a few current plans and upload them for hyperlinking purposes so that when we discuss "STUFF" we can also post a pic of the appropriate plans?

Whatcha think?

Here is a picture of the rivets in question (circled in red). I can't find where the instructions say to rivet these. All other rivets (except the blind ones - black clecoes) have been driven. Do I leave the holes shown in red circles oopen for now?

Yes, those are the last 8 rivets to do. (Plus the 4 interior ones)

I left mine open and moved onto the VS.

They can be done at anytime later.

:) CJ
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Thanks CJ. I guess I will just leeve them open for now. Does anyone know when these are suposed to be riveted?

Captain_John said:
Yup, there is a reason.

Doug (or anyone else), *IDEA*...

Can someone scan in a few current plans and upload them for hyperlinking purposes so that when we discuss "STUFF" we can also post a pic of the appropriate plans?

Whatcha think?

I have all of the plan sets for my RV9A scanned into PDF full size (one PDF for each kit). I use them all the time for my own reference. I haven't posted them on my site or otherwise shared them yet. I don't know how Vans would feel about this??? I would love to share (most fuselage sheets are the same for 9 and 7) if Vans approved.
i just went to go look at mine, and i set all of mine before moving on to the vs. the ones you have #30 cleco'd will get solid, and the black cleco'd holes will get the blind rivets. the end rivets will be 470 4-4, and blind will be BSPQ-5-4.

here's my plans:

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If it were me, I'd go ahead and rivet them now if you're through with the rest of your HS riveting. They're easy to do, and it's one less thing you'll have to remember to do in the future.

By the way, those #30 spar-to-inboard rib rivets are much easier to get with a squeezer and longeron yoke, if you can beg/borrow/buy/steal 'em.

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