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"Howie Keefe's Air Chart System"


Active Member
Does anyone use the system of IFR and VFR atlases published as the "Howie Keefe Air Chart System?"

If so, are they as easy to keep up to date as indicated in the advertising? Are they more convenient to use in the cockpit than standard charts? Do they reduce cockpit clutter, or are they harder to store due to thickness?

Would you recommend them?


Yes, but...


I have used the Air Chart system for almost ten years now, and the update part is great - you get a piece of paper with cumulative changes since the beginning of the "chart year" every 26 days, and that is all you have to keep handy, along with the charts you get at the start of the year. You will be amazed that by the end of the year, ALL of the IFR and VFR changes fit on one piece of paper smaller than a newspaper page - makes you wonder about all the trees that you've been killing every time you throw away a NOS chart book....

I really like the bound Enroute books as well. The VFR book is WAC scale, so if you are primarily VFR, and like sectionals, this isn't going to be your cup of tea. Also, I have been using them in my Grumman, and they work great - but I am not sure how the large books are going to work in my new RV-8, with a stick, and no seat next to me to lay them on - that is the "but" ! To be honest, I fly the same routes over and over again (most of the time), and rarely pull sharts out, since there is so much information on today's moving map displays. But it's a good idea to have the up-to-date paper in the cockpit!

The best part about the system is with the updates, I always know that I have legal IFR charts for the entire country, and don't have to throw a lot of paper (that never gets looked at) away.

Paul Dye
RV-8 - just moved the wings to the hangar this morning!
Howie Keefe's

I've been using the VFR WAC book for the last 300 hrs and really like it. Roll the book into a half-circle and it tucks down in the left passenger footwell nicely(RV8A). If you have a passenger, they hold it or tuck it alongside the passenger's seat.
Left passenger footwell- I'll rememebr that - thanks Mark (That makes me feel much better...really!) :)

Paul Dye
Howie Keefes Charts

I used them extensively when flying a twin for both IFR and Vfr. Worked great, easy to use and easy to update.

Now in the Rocket it is a different matter al together. They are too big and bulky. When IFR the book keeps bumping things and turning off the autopilot.

I have gone to an efb on a tablet. Update cost not significantly different and much more convenient.

If you have the room Howie's charts are the way to go.
Howie Keefe's Charts

Thanks Ironflight, redbeardmark, and N395V.

I think I may just start out slow with the VFR atlas and see how that works