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How I received my RV-10 empennage

Siberian RV-10

I'm New Here
This is my story for what it is worth. May be a little bit long but anyway...

My RV-10 tail was shipped to me not directly from Vans but through a company in Moscow. I have never received shipments by railroad, especially from Moscow! And it was not just a shipment - it was the empennage of MY AIRCRAFT!

...An appealing female vioce sounded one day from the telephone and I was very politely advised that there is a package for my name and I have to is to go to place XX, bring documents FF, fulfill procedures YY and I will receive ZZ. Being a heavy Internet browser I knew there could be some interesting episodes, I took my camera to save funny moments of history for posterity.

I entered the gates of transportation company on my brand new "Gazelle" truck, filled a pound of paperwork and was told to wait in line.


Man, what a landscape around, not pleasant at all. Delapidated buildings and muddy "liquid asphalt" spoiled my holiday mood a bit. Just a bit.


Finally it's my turn. My boxes were carried by three brave Russian laborers. They even were sober I thought at first.
Beautiful blond lady, a supervisor, came out personally to control the loading of my kit, probably it was a stipulation in the shipping contract. She gave the laborers a hawkish eye and warning to do things correctly - cargo is very precious and fragile.


And what do you think? They ( laborers) did wrong thing anyway doesn't matter how hard the fine lady tried to persuade them. They loaded my kit with arrow pointing DOWN! For Russian laborers this high mathematics of those foreign red arrows is a VERY complicated subject. Anyway I interfered and told them to flip the case right way. "What's the matter? What's the difference?" - was the answer. I was getting hotter. After persuasive lecture and detailed explanation that this is not junky chinese stuff, this is an american made airplane and I will be transporting it many many miles through rough roads, they gently flipped the box. Sigh.


OK. Kit is secured at the back of my truck, ropes secure the back, red strip attached by local traffic code for oversized load. Everything perfect again! I can go home.


Final look at delapidated warehouse and falling apart infrastructure... Well, pretty sad picture...

Let's roll! Yankee (my kit) GO to MY home! These roads are our Siberian HighWays, this portion of the road is so so... not bad... teeth clanked... the rest I was not able to concentrate on both - driving and taking pictures... At right there is a road sign which says Irkutsk. This is the closest large city to my home from the East. Almost 1000 kms from me.


I am home finally. Backed my truck into my garage for unloading. I think I should have backed more...



Inside is working disorder - usual thing. I didn't have time to clean up at the moment of receiving my tail. But right now (not at the picture) it's nice and clean.



That's it. That's how we do these things here. THE BOX and two smaller packages with complete RV tool kit were placed where they belong to. The signature on packages with tools translates as "It is TIME to Be" the name of the shipping company doing the transportation leg Moscow - Novosibirsk. Then to ship to my rural place it was another company, not TIMEd to be.
My sons were on a student exchange programs in USA last summer and they brought me a gift for my 41st birthday. The gift was this Vans t'shirt and a cap. So this is my story, this is I


and this is my boy who likes everything American and comes with me to the airport on first call anytime. Looking good Dimka!


Sergey Vegelin
New RV-10 Builder

Thanks for the write up and pictures. You are really going to enjoy the RV-10 when you get it flying.
Thanks for sharing this Sergey! Can't wait to see your progress once you dive in. Perhaps building will be easier than transporting!

Best wishes,
question on garage plumbing

Nice photos Sergey, It is always interesting to see how people live far away in an area that we don't know much about.

in the photo of your garage, there are 11-14cm tubes connected to apx 3 cm pipe. what is that for? is that part of a heating system using water?



It appears the old industrial buildings are an old grain elevator or possibly a feed mill. Concrete silos, steel bins and elevator legs shown.

Welcome to the group. I see your customer # is 40769, I recieved my emp kit on Jan 08 and my number is 40796. It was shipped the last week of 2007. I'm just wandering when your's was shipped? Photo's would indicate delivery in June or September? How far along with the build are you?
I'm not convinced.......

......the guy standing on the loading dock in striped shirt and hands in his pockets was sober.
If you had a bottle of vodka there probable would not have been so much trouble getting them to put your box in correctly. ;)
Thanks for posting information

Hi Sergei,

Thank you for your message and interesting photos. It looks like your RV-10 empennage kit arrived in good condition, despite the long distance to get there. It also looks like you have a good place to build it. Please keep us posted on your progress with the kit. This group has lots of expertise if you have questions, so don't hesitate to ask questions. I live near Van's factory, so if you need anything that I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask. Also if you or your kids ever have a chance to visit Van's or the Portland, Oregon area, I would love to take you flying and show you around this part of the country. Good luck with your project.


Dan Miller
Battle Ground, Washington
Nice pics

Good luck with your build. Funny. I get grumpy when the shipping takes more then four days to get stuff to my country. I cant imagine shipping all that stuff and the little orders to SIBERIA. Thats great...all the best from Canada.


Thanks for your pictures. Please keep them coming. Always interested in places far away.

Jay Pratt
in Texas
Same Reaction as Jay Pratt

I too have a special fascination for far away places. You are a good writer and you take interesting photographs. Good luck on completing the RV-10 but somehow I think luck is going to play a very small part in your building process.

Bob Axsom
I'll jump on that bandwagon, too. Sergey, that was a great story and pictures. While I don't know a word of Russian, I have a feeling I'd find a stay there very enjoyable. BTW, I've seen highway shots like that here in America. I'll also join the group of RVers who wish you well on your project. If you or your family ever find yourself coming to America, feel free to call on me. We can show you around the Grand Canyon and I can probably arrange to let your boy meet a real cowboy.
That is a great shot of your son! Of the two Russians I know both of them are avid Gun owners, and George W. Bush fans, I don't know what the connections is.

But Good luck and I know once you get over the initial shock of the number of parts you will love building.

Don't forget google translate, its not perfect but it will lead you down the overall path,
He is on the road again

Just got a message from Sergey he is out and away for a 10-day business trip not able to post as I understood. He thanks everyone for kind words and tempting offers.
He is reading the forum on his phone I believe. Anyway, good luck to you, Siberian RV-10! Get that amphibian out of the way and start pounding rivets! The Big Community is watching you.
I entered the gates of transportation company on my brand new "Gazelle" truck, filled a pound of paperwork and was told to wait in line.


Is that your "daily driver" truck? I love checking out foreign (to me) vehicles. They look so much different than ours. Example: My daily driver up until a year ago.

I guess a "truck" is different here because people own them and have absolutely no use for a truck. (They will never haul or tow anything with it)
I guess what I'm asking is are trucks like that one common where you live? It's a pretty neat looking ride!
Hey Sergei,
Enjoy that -10 project, I've enjoyed mine a lot. I also live near Van's, let me know if there's anything I can ever do to help you out on this end...and if you and Dimka ever get over here for a visit, we can go out and convert some money into noise...you look like you enjoy those hobbies like I do.
Good Day my Dear Friends,
First of all I apologize for not responding so long. Second I want to thank you from the depth of my heart for your kind words and comments. I am very glad you liked my story and my pictures. Всем БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО!!!

Dear Dan Miller,
Thank you very much for your offer! I appreciate it very much. Many thanks for the offer to fly in Oregon!

Dear Patrick Kelly,
Thank you very much for your offer to see Grand Canyon and my son to meet real cowboy!

Dear Bob Brown,
Thank you for the invitation to fly and to convert some money into some noise!

Dear Ron B and Rick Woodall:

It was not that easy to get my RV-10 tail here. I placed my order on November 2007 and my kit patiently waited in America till March 2008. Waited for "convenient, not expensive" way of transportation. Then my order was sailing long way from America to Europe. After that it was long wait at the dealers, horror and beaurocracy of Russian Customs:) and then long way about 2800 miles by trucking company from Moscow to Siberia.
And I received my tail on September 2008:D You Rick becoming impatient after 4 days of wait? :D

Danny S,
You are very attentive to details. That's right this plumbing are pipes feeding from city's centralized heating station. It supplies hot water for all city needs.

Mark Strahler,
You have excellent observation! Your guess was right - I received my empennage on former grain mill. It was functioning during Soviet times, now everything is delapidated,destructed and forgotten.

Josh Gregory,
It is not my daily hauler. It is for work only.

Thanks again all you good people.

Great photos Sergey. Good luck with the process! Anyone in the states that needs some encouragement only need look at your logistical obstacles and suck it up. Keep us updated. Yours will be a great one to follow up on.
I am visiting Oshkosh 2011 with my family. Can anybody please give me a ride in your RV10 out of Whittman or Fon du Lac? I flew with Mike Sieger in factory demonstrator already.
Thank you,
You might email Vans. I have a friend who is going there specifically for a ride in an RV8. He said they told him on the phone that all the planes would be there and ride will be done daily, first come, first served.
I am visiting Oshkosh 2011 with my family. Can anybody please give me a ride in your RV10 out of Whittman or Fon du Lac? I flew with Mike Sieger in factory demonstrator already.
Thank you,

Visit the RV-10 parking area and introduce yourself to the pilots and ask for a ride. I know several that are known to give folks rides during the week. I'll be there, but mine won't be flying until after OSH.
This ticket is good for one ride at Oshkosh!

You got it. I'd love to take you for a ride in my plane. I should be in Oshkosh from Saturday through Friday so we will pick a morning and go blast around with Sean and Tim's RV-10s and have some fun flying formation and taking some pictures. I'm looking forward to it.

Great pictures and good luck with the build. Looking forward to meeting you. Safe travels.

Scott and RaNae's RV-10

Tim and Andrea's RV-10

Sean and Hollie's RV-10

I am visiting Oshkosh 2011 with my family. Can anybody please give me a ride in your RV10 out of Whittman or Fon du Lac? I flew with Mike Sieger in factory demonstrator already.
Thank you,
This ticket is good for one ride at Oshkosh!

To Scott:

Thank you very much for suggesting a nice ticket. I hope I will manage to use it. The only thing is that I and my family are not going to stay in Oshkosh for the whole week but just from July 28 thru 30 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday).
Do you think there's a chance for me to fly with you on these days?

Thank you
Thursday should work

Lets plan on Thursday morning if not I am sure there are others at the RV-10 section that would take you Friday or Saturday.

To Scott:

Thank you very much for suggesting a nice ticket. I hope I will manage to use it. The only thing is that I and my family are not going to stay in Oshkosh for the whole week but just from July 28 thru 30 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday).
Do you think there's a chance for me to fly with you on these days?

Thank you