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Help with Icom 210 install


Well Known Member
I'm trying to make up my avionics harness, and I'm having a bit of trouble deciphering the schematics. Seems everyone has their own terminology. I'm trying to tie my A210 into my PS9000ex. I need to match the the terminals, I think as follows:

Icom ---------------> 9000ex

"H"---------------------#13 audio hi
"7"---------------------#14 audio low
"J"---------------------#15 mic hi
"9"---------------------#30 mic key

If anyone knows if this is correct or not, I sure would appreciate some help :confused:
A210 Wiring

Icom ---------------> 9000ex

"H"---------------------#13 audio hi
"7"---------------------#14 audio low
"J"---------------------#15 mic hi
"9"---------------------#30 mic key

About all I can offer is another pair of eyes. I have an A210 that I wired and fired up on the bench successfully but I don't have your audio panel.

You appear to be wiring this as COM2 on the audio panel (I assume you intended that) and you are referring to connector J1 on the PMA9000EX.

You have probably already noticed this but Icom skips the letters "G" "I" "O" and "Q" on the connector. I could barely make out the letters/numbers on the connector so I had to resort to counting holes to make sure I had the wires in the right place.

The one problem I see is that pin 8 on the A210 is supposed to be MIC Low and there doesn't appear to be a corresponding MIC Low output on the 9000EX. My guess is that connecting this to ground is what is needed but you might want to check with an "expert".

Other than that, it looks right to me - but my opinion is probably worth what you paid for it!;)
Thanks Dan.
Yep, the Icom is being used as com#2. There is defintely only 4 inputs to the 9000ex for com 2, and the push to talk does ground out with pin #8. Could it ground through the 9000? I can always run a wire from #8 to ground if needed.
Chappyd, aside from what others say, I think the 210 will be a nice unit. As a retired EE, I wired my harness (210, 430W, AFS3500, 327, etc) and can help you. I'm not at the shop now, but will look up the info you need and get back with you...
Your connections look correct with the exception as Dan pointed out that the 210 has a separate lo output for both the phone and mike. You need to use 210 pin 8 as the mike audio lo signal and pin 7 as the phone lo signal, both going to the audio panel. And looking at the 9000 info online, I see that PS doesn't give you a lo input for the mike input.

I have my 210 hooked to a PMA4000 which has this input. I suspect you would just hook both pin 7 and 8 from the 210 to the com input lo line input (J1-10) pin on the 9000. But this is just an EE's educated guess. A quick call to PS tech support line will give you the definitive answer.

As an aside, note that PS doesn't recommend using the shield to carry the low side of the audio and mike as shown by the 210 diagrams. I would follow the PS diagrams and have separate lines in the shielded cables for the lo side signals.

I'm trying to make up my avionics harness, and I'm having a bit of trouble deciphering the schematics. Seems everyone has their own terminology. I'm trying to tie my A210 into my PS9000ex. I need to match the the terminals, I think as follows:

Icom ---------------> 9000ex

"H"---------------------#13 audio hi
"7"---------------------#14 audio low
"J"---------------------#15 mic hi
"9"---------------------#30 mic key

If anyone knows if this is correct or not, I sure would appreciate some help :confused:
Thanks deene. I was looking at the schematics last night, and if I recall, it looks like the mic lo and the ptt both tie in together, when the ptt is pressed. Since the only time I use the mic with the 210 is to transmit, would that work? I'll call ps engineering as you suggest, better to be safe with all these pricey toys! :)

Called PS engineering. They were helpful in a very limited way. They seemed more concerned about the fact that if I wired my own harness there is no warranty. I went through and explained everything to him, and in the end their answer was "I don't know where mic lo goes". They reiterated the fact that they don't do installs, and said I should call the place of purchase to ask them. I did buy it from AFS, and called their shop but they were closed.

So I called Stein's shop, and as always they have been helpful. two minutes later I had my answer, mic lo and audio lo (7 & 8 on the Icom ) are tied together at the 9000 pin 14.

I bought most of my avionics elsewhere, but I did buy my master kit and a whole lot of other stuff ($1200+ total )since, and have found shipping and service second to none.

Thanks guys. My next build, or anything else I buy that you sell I'm getting from you!

Well, tying the 2 pins together did not work- it just resulted in a stuck mic. Wired as I originally posted appears to work fine.

I wired it leaving mic lo out of the loop completely, and all works as it should. At leats , the mic is no longer stuck, audio panel and both comms transmit when dialed in on the audio panel. I really need to get a headset now then I can fully test the system with my handheld.
Are you sure you didn't accidentally tie pins 7&9 together (which would cause the PTT/Txmt)? Tying pins 7&8 (which are both shield grounds) together should cause no such thing.

Now you've got me scratching my head a little? Be a little careful here....when working with PTT's/Transmits/etc.. this is where you can blow things up! Not a big deal with things like RS-232's, but audio stuff is kind of picky.


And yes...in general we're glad to help anyone whether they purchased their stuff from us or not, because they'll soon find that price doesn't always equal value with avionics and next time you buy stuff you might just give us a chance!
My bad

I got to thinking right after I posted earlier.............something still isn't right. Had our dinner, came and saw your post, went back and checked again. The SL30 is wired the same, since there is no mic lo input on the 9000, but the difference is the SL30 is clear about having mic lo and audio low tied together. So.... I slipped the Icom apart and double checked my wires to the #'s and letters. Everything looked okay, except as noted in the earlier post I had nothing in #8, mic lo on the Icom. Although everything appeared to be working OK, I have no way of knowing for sure until I get ahold of a headset to actually transmit and receive. I put another pin in the #8 slot, tied into the #7 going into 14 on the 9000 (com lo). This is as you suggested and as shown on the SL30. Lo and behold, once again everything appears to be functioning normally, though I feel better about it now.

I can only surmise that I had something wrong in the 1st set up, and didn't catch it before I rewired it. One thing is for sure, is the PTT was being grounded initially, the Icom has a nice big sign on the front telling you, lol.

Thanks again for your help. I was finalizing the harness today, and I decided to build all the wires for the 106 Indicator we talked about on Monday. I may as well go ahead and get it now, that way I can complete the harness while everything is fresh in my mind, and be done with thie part of the build.