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Help Me Plan Wiring in the Wings


Well Known Member
Pardon the curiosity dump here, but I have a lot of questions.

As I see it, here's what has to be wired or plumbed in the wings:

Pitot, AOA, Pitot heat
Nav lights
Landing/taxi lights
Wingtip Nav antenna (possible, but assume it's there for planning)

Is that about right?

Right now, I'm about to start the wing skeleton, which would be a better time to drill a bunch of rib holes than after it's together.

I'm planning wingtip landing and taxi lights, but I'm open to correction. Also planning heated pitot/AOA, likely Dynon.

The Pitot tube has its own dedicated holes. Where do you route the AOA line?

If I drill a 3/4" hole in each rib and run a conduit out to the tip, is that large enough for all of the wires?

Is there an advantage to running wire through grommets instead of conduit?

Thanks in advance. Great site, great people, etc.
VANS support site has a Service Letter detailing wing wiring routiyng.

As for conduit vs grommets, I prefer grommets. Simple reason is that I don't want wiring hidden for years in a tube where it can't be seen/inspected. But that's just me - most people around here seem to go with conduit.

Whichever you decide, consider how the cable or tube will transverse the bellcrak and or AP servo.
Something I hadn't thought of.

Is it a particular brand of servo that goes in the wing instead of the fuse? And where does it go?
The servo is often mounted in the same bay as the aileron bell crank.

One more item that some folks install is a camera-----infrared or other.

Also, APARS tracking unit.

Leading edge landing lights? or wing tip? Flash the landing lights or separate wigwag lights?
Better to run a few too many than one too few.

On my -9A, it was a real pain to run wires from the wing through the fuselage to the panel, so plan for that as well.

Consider if you want quick disconnects at the wing root.

Make your wires plenty long (service loops). The rule is that the wire should be long enough to allow you to put on a new connector three times.

Mark or use colored wires.

Got to rewire one wing of the -9A when we upgraded the avionics, and it the previous installer had done some of these things...

The servo is often mounted in the same bay as the aileron bell crank.

One more item that some folks install is a camera-----infrared or other.

Also, APARS tracking unit.

Leading edge landing lights? or wing tip? Flash the landing lights or separate wigwag lights?

Ideally, landing lights in the tips and separate LED strobes. But it seems it could get pretty crowded out there.