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Glide Approach in the RV-10


Well Known Member
I am sure Pierre will appreciate this one.


This was started at 2000' AGL and 3.5nm out, flew accross the aerodrome, 180 degree turn losing height to join crosswind on RWY12 at YCAB, then flew the full curcuit, video starts at the end of downwind/base turn.

The change in prop rpm was going from feathered fully coarse towards fine just a bit to control speed/height.

These things are slippery little critters and while they are a big high performance machine, they do glide ok too!

Gotta be happy with that! :)

DB :cool:

....that computes to better than a 10:1 glide ratio if my math is correct....3.5 ~.4. You were 3.5 miles out and flew over the airport and a 180. Looks like it would have been more than a 4 mile glide, more like a 12:1 ratio.

What speed did you use?

They glide really well if you feather/coarse the prop and put the flaps to 0. I have been doing many no flaps landings lately and I am amazed how far the thing wants to glide.
zero thrust?

I am sure Pierre will appreciate this one.


This was started at 2000' AGL and 3.5nm out, flew accross the aerodrome, 180 degree turn losing height to join crosswind on RWY12 at YCAB, then flew the full curcuit, video starts at the end of downwind/base turn.

The change in prop rpm was going from feathered fully coarse towards fine just a bit to control speed/height.

These things are slippery little critters and while they are a big high performance machine, they do glide ok too!

Gotta be happy with that! :)

DB :cool:
Since you were able to control the prop pitch does that mean that the engine was running but at minimum throttle? A 12:1 glide suggests that the engine was nicely set to produce nearly zero thrust but not so low as to produce drag (as it would if the engine were not running). Nice video!
Just to be clear exactly what the video shows - was this with mixture OFF (as implied by the "Deadstick" in the file name), or was the engine running at idle?
Picky folk you lot! :D

No Kevin, would you do that in the circuit of a very busy aerodrome? We were throttle closed and feathered.

You do feel the plane accelerate when you feather, so if you ever do have a true and not SIMULATED deadstick landing make sure you feather, if its still rotating.

Also we did have a generous tail wind from the east so maybe the glide from a couple of miles out should be factored a little.

If you want real glide ratio's I suggest someone does some proper tests, we were just fooling around and I happened to get it on video.

I just thought you guys would like to see it. Slippery little critters!

DB :cool:
.......around 85-90 knots, was not paying a lot of attention to that.

We would have been starting off at a TAS of 160knots and a slight tail wind initially so dont read too much into it. Over analysing it may lead to false impressions.

Maybe somebody who has good flight testing skills can determine what really is the best glide speed! It seems to be around the 85-90 seems to yield a good result.


Thanks Larry

I was going to be a wise *** and say read back a post or two :D but you know very well I am never that cheeky! ;)

Now this one will stump a few of you...but not Larry I suggest! :p What is this and who is flying it!.............yeah I know its not an RV :) :eek:



That is an Antonov/PZL Mielec An-2. Can't see the pilot from here though.

Does anyone know of an RV-10 that has had an aerobatic prop installed on the front end of the 540? The areobatic props do weigh a bit more than a standard one, but their advantage is that they feather (coarse) with the loss of oil pressure.

I have a friend who installed one on the front of his F1 Rocket (only rocket I know of with that prop) and it's a dream to fly. But with the loss of power or oil, the prop automatically goes coarse and he gets maximum glide.

For his airplane, I think the difference was 2lbs to go with the aerobatic prop over the standard one.

looks like vale Barry Hempels AN2 Big Bird. I've been for a fly in that out at Watts Bridge a few years ago.