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Garmin GTX330ES or NavWorx 600exp??


Active Member
I am looking to install ADS-B out for my RV9A and am confronted with two options, both with pluses and minuses.

Aircraft RV-9A
Relevant existing avionics
Garmin 430W
Garmin GTX330 (No ES)
Garmin GDL 39 ADS-B In
Garmin Aera 550 (No space for anything larger on panel)
Currently NOT using any iPad app (Foreflight WingX) during flight as no room on panel
I purchased and just received the NavWorx ADS600-EXP.

So here is my dilemma,
OPTION 1: Install the NavWorx box.
ADS-B out on 978Mhz which all ADS-B in units receive.
It has the AutoStealth mode when squawking 1200
I MAY want the ADS-B receive data in the future.
Requires installing additional box, additional antennas, and wiring
Additional weight
I will probably not be using the Navworx ADS-B data in as I already have weather and traffic on the Garmin Aera via the GDL39

OPTION 2: Update the GTX330 to Extended squitter
ADS-B Output on 1090Mhz which is accepted in other countries.
Easy upgrade/install
No AutoStealth mode. (I do significant flying near B & C airspace)
Restricts me to Garmin world (unless I purchase a different ADS-B in box)

The cost for either of the above options is essentially the same. $1,400 for Navworx, $1,200 for the Garmin upgrade. I'm leaning toward upgrading the GTX330 but would like to know if I'm missing something.


Mark Klepper
N1075 RV9-A
Ft Myers, FL

I have almost the same systems in my 6A. Last week I requested a test from ADSB from my 6A, which has the 430WAAS and 330ES. They sent me a report which included the RV-10 which has another setup. They said the 330 ES was much better test than the RV-10 (non Garmin)

You should be able to get a wireless signal to an iPad with the 39 I think as well as TIS traffic on the 430WAAS with the latest software.

As an aside, the fact that they knew about and linked the 10 to my report indicates that big brother can watch if he wants to!
If you have a 430W and a 330 that only needs the upgrade... upgrade.

If that's too easy, PM me and I might buy the 330.