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G3X V6.30 Software Is Available!


Well Known Member
The installed G3X base is growing quickly and we are doing our best to keep up with software changes to incorporate both planned new features and the many great ideas we receive from G3X pilots.

We are pleased to announce that a new release of G3X system code is available on our website. As always, all of our G3X software is free to download and upgrade.

A complete list of the changes which have been incorporated into this release is shown below, but we will mention one new user-requested feature that is included in this release - Runway Number Labels on Extended Runway Centerlines.


We have supported drawing extended runway centerlines for many years, but we now include runway number labeling on those lines. In this example, the aircraft is 12 nm out from KTOP and should the tower instruct the aircraft to report a left base for RWY 18, you can imagine what a workload reducer it is to see that you will be crossing over the centerline of RWY 22 before you enter and report that left base for RWY 18.

There is never any question whether or not you are lining up with the correct runway when the runway identifier is so clearly shown on the map even at large distances from the airport, long before the to-scale runway lines and numbers are visible.

We thank you for purchasing G3X and hope you find these improvements useful.


GDU 37x System Code Version 6.30 Changes

1. Added ability to adjust PFD pitch attitude offset, using the PFD Setup page.
2. Added ability to configure the initial MFD page that is displayed after powerup, using the Display Setup page.
3. Added ability to display synthetic vision field of view on the map.
4. Added configurable data fields to display current climb gradient in percent or altitude gain per nautical mile.
5. Added checkbox indicators to show the status of each GDU's GPS antenna in config mode.
6. Added ability to optionally hide manifold pressure gauge for installations using fixed-pitch propellers.
7. Added runway number labels to runway extension lines on map.
8. Added items to Map Setup page to adjust visibility of water labels, park and land cover areas, runway numbers, and runway extension lines.
9. Added additional items and restructured data log file format for compatibility with applications designed to read G1000 log files.
10. Simplified requirements for availability of autopilot VNAV mode, and reduced the need for pilot acknowledgement before VNAV mode can be activated.
11. Changed screenshot utility to be activated when Menu key is pressed and held.
12. Changed selected altitude data field on PFD to flash in conjunction with armed autopilot VNAV indicator if an altitude has not been selected prior to VNAV descent.
13. Changed Fuel Calculator display on Engine page to show fuel quantity and pressure gauges if space is available.
14. Changed demo mode to show simulated weather data when no XM antenna is connected.
15. Changed wind direction display on PFD to use system units settings for heading offset.
16. Changed display of XTK data fields to more closely resemble G1000 presentation.
17. Improved flight log to more closely match airframe timer, and to account for time spent with the engine running while on the ground before or after a flight.
18. Improved instruction text displayed while performing magnetometer calibration and heading offset procedures.
19. Improved fuel gauge description text displayed on Engine config page.
20. Improved retention of engine and airframe time when power is removed immediately after landing.
21. Improved visibility of runway extension lines on map.
22. Improved display of synthetic vision runways in areas with a high density of airports.
23. Improved appearance of water runways on map and synthetic vision display.
24. Improved MapMX data processing.
25. Improved gear warning alert logic.
26. Includes GSU 73 system software version 2.16.
The number of new features that have been added to the G3X in the past year is simply phenomenal - thanks! We've been flying the beta version of these features for the past month or so, and haven't' seen any issues - and I bet more good stuff is coming.

One of the biggest advantages of all of the popular Experimental EFIS's is the free software upgrades. Heck, it's like getting new avionics for free (and when you consider what certified upgrades cost....).

Can the G3X incorporate a "FLC" Vertical mode in conjunction with the TT GX Pilot? Having spent a number of hours behind a GFC700/G1000 combo for CAP...I would love to have "Flight Level Change" in conjunction with "Vertical Speed" that I know already exists.

"FLC" is a dream as it captures the current airspeed and maintains it in a climb over trying to hit a "fpm" vs number.

Just curious. Love the Garmin support!
The installed G3X base is growing quickly and we are doing our best to keep up with software changes to incorporate both planned new features and the many great ideas we receive from G3X pilots.

In the words of George M. Cohan: "My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you.":D

Even my wife, the C.F.O. of our RV-7A operation, was impressed with this update. You "gotta" love it when your wife compliments you on a good equipment selection. We both love our G3X; keep up the good work.
Can the G3X incorporate a "FLC" Vertical mode in conjunction with the TT GX Pilot? Having spent a number of hours behind a GFC700/G1000 combo for CAP...I would love to have "Flight Level Change" in conjunction with "Vertical Speed" that I know already exists.

"FLC" is a dream as it captures the current airspeed and maintains it in a climb over trying to hit a "fpm" vs number.

Just curious. Love the Garmin support!

Hi Joe,

I also like FLC mode with GFC700 - it is a great thing to have when you want to climb to an altitude at a particular airspeed. At the moment, the G3X/GX Pilot combo system does not have a FLC mode... however, you do have a PIT (pitch hold) mode, which will hold a commanded pitch attitude. And of course since pitch plus power equals airspeed, I find that the airplane ends up flying at pretty close to a constant airspeed, plus or minus a couple knots, when I use PIT mode to hold a desired attitude. You can adjust the autopilot pitch reference using the CWS (control wheel steering) button on the stick, or by using the PFD joystick to bump the pitch up and down. You can see the latter technique being used during a climb to altitude, starting at 1:35 in this video. (or click here for the whole set of G3X videos)

- Matt
The 496 had runway numbers but it was dropped on the 696, is there any possibility (please :D)you guys could continue to support us 696 owners with the "new" feature?
The 496 had runway numbers but it was dropped on the 696, is there any possibility (please :D)you guys could continue to support us 696 owners with the "new" feature?

Hi Walt,

The 696 does show runway numbers on the map, but sometimes they can become a bit obscured by other stuff. But you'll be happy to know that the 696 will receive the same cool enhancement to its runway number display in a future software update.

- Matt
Airspace floor/ceiling altitudes for B/C/D airspace

I love my G3X, but I do miss having the floor and ceiling altitudes of controlled airspaces on the map. Would it be possible to display this once a certain zoom distance is selected, say 35-50 miles zoom? I had this on my previous EFIS and think other systems offer it also. This is a great feature for congested airspace. Anybody else see value in this?

Don Orrick
Hi Walt,

The 696 does show runway numbers on the map, but sometimes they can become a bit obscured by other stuff. But you'll be happy to know that the 696 will receive the same cool enhancement to its runway number display in a future software update.

- Matt

Thanks Matt!

I love my G3X, but I do miss having the floor and ceiling altitudes of controlled airspaces on the map. Would it be possible to display this once a certain zoom distance is selected, say 35-50 miles zoom? I had this on my previous EFIS and think other systems offer it also. This is a great feature for congested airspace. Anybody else see value in this?

Don Orrick

I have this feature on my KMD150 and really like it, the DFW class B is quite a maze of airspace and this feature has kept me out of trouble for years!
Thanks Matt!

I have this feature on my KMD150 and really like it, the DFW class B is quite a maze of airspace and this feature has kept me out of trouble for years!

Walt, I am in the Chicago area which is the same way. I really liked this feature! C'mon Garmin, hook us up!!

G3X Flight Data Log Enhancements

One of the many software changes for G3X V6.30 makes small changes to the format of the flight data log file that is created on each flight (and saved to the SD card).

These changes make G3X flight data files more similar to G1000 files so they can be uploaded to a great free website called CirrusReports.com. This site was created by a Cirrus aircraft owner to easily record his flights and evaluate performance and engine data.

As shown in the example below of my flight to Oshkosh 2011, you can pick any flight you have uploaded to the site and review all your flight and engine data such as EGT, CHT, oil temp and pressure, fuel flow, airspeed, ground speed, distance, etc.

It creates an electronic logbook and even summarizes your fuel burn, ground op time, and flight time for each flight. The next time you repeat a flight you can go to your flight log and see how much fuel you used the last time you flew that trip.

If you click on the Google Earth 3DView selection above the map it will immediately launch Google Earth and export the selected flight into Google Earth and show the 3D "roller coaster" for that flight. If you click on the Google Earth Cockpit View it will launch Google Earth and allow you to re-fly the flight as if you were in the cockpit looking out.

Just go to cirrusreports.com, create a free account (specify aircraft type as Other and Log Format as G1000 or G900X) and upload your G3X flight data log files to create your online logbook of flight and engine data. You can either choose to share this flight data or hide it from others.

Hope you find this feature useful.


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Airspace Altitude Limits

Don and Walt - Even though you can pan over and select an airspace segment to view the altitude limits, we agree that it would be great to be able to see this information on the map without first selecting the segment.

This is already on our want-to-do list, but we appreciate hearing your opinions and will take this into account when prioritizing new features.


Walt, I am in the Chicago area which is the same way. I really liked this feature! C'mon Garmin, hook us up!!

Don and Walt - Even though you can pan over and select an airspace segment to view the altitude limits, we agree that it would be great to be able to see this information on the map without first selecting the segment.

This is already on our want-to-do list, but we appreciate hearing your opinions and will take this into account when prioritizing new features.


I really appreciate the fact that you guy's are listening and take this input serious. As I said previously, I love the G3X in my RV-10... and the fact that you keep improving it with free upgrades that have been thouroughly tested and ready for primetime. After having made a poor EFIS decision years earlier, I have a greater appreciation for a EFIS system that offers all the features and support I currently enjoy at a price that the experimental builder can afford. Keep up the good work!

Don Orrick
G3X Fuel FLow Question

Unable to get a reply via the EMAIL lnk.
Intalling a UL Power engine with fuel injection in a RV-12.
The ECU has a duty cycle output representing fuel consumption.
Can the G3X be able to calculate this directly or would we need to install two fuel flow Transmitters?


AL Smith
G3X Fuel Flow Question

Unable to get a reply via the EMAIL lnk.
Intalling a UL Power engine with fuel injection in a RV-12.
The ECU has a duty cycle output representing fuel consumption.
Can the G3X be able to calculate this directly or would we need to install two fuel flow Transmitters?


AL Smith


G3X supports two types of fuel flow sensors with ?pulse per gallon? frequency outputs, but does not support the duty cycle output from the UL Power ECU.

As you suggest, you will need to use 2 fuel flow sensors if you have a fuel injected engine with a fuel return line. The installation manual describes how to configure the FUEL FLOW INPUT for the primary sensor and the FLOW 2 INPUT for the fuel return sensor.

Sorry for the delay.

I quite like my G3X. It is certainly a "reduced capability" unit for us in other countries, largely due to Jeppesen providing very small data sets (they have come up with lots of excuses but at the end of the day that's nonsense.. It's population based).
I would LOVE to be able to import data. I can "backup" user waypoints but if I lose them I need to manually enter them again which is a pain.
We have a lot of visual reporting points here and Jeppesen refuse to add them. I'd love to be able to bulk lad them but the data agreement Garmin has with Jeppesen would preclude that I guess. Shame.
Still I guess it helps other manufacturers survive I guess.
In the meantime ill just be jealous of the extra features you guys get for the same piece of equipment.
User Waypoints

I would LOVE to be able to import data. I can "backup" user waypoints but if I lose them I need to manually enter them again which is a pain.

As you mention, G3X currently supports saving all the User Waypoints to the SD card in a .gpx format, but there is currently no support for reading that file back into the unit. Adding that capability is also on our want-to-do list.

There is, however, another mechanism for importing User Waypoints into G3X. Early last year we added the ability to import/export flight plans. This feature is described in the G3X Pilot Guide.

These files are saved with a .fpl extension on your SD card when you use the EXPORT function for a selected flight plan from the Flight Plan List page. Internally these files are actually text files using XML formatting.

If you Export a flight plan in your flight plan list which contains one or more User Waypoints, you will notice that they show up in the exported .fpl file listed in a waypoint table like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<flight-plan xmlns="http://www8.garmin.com/xmlschemas/FlightPlan/v1">
  <created>2012-02-08T12:19:40Z</created>  <waypoint-table>
      <type>USER WAYPOINT</type>
      <type>USER WAYPOINT</type>

So, if you have a text file with the above text on your SD card which is named, for example, waypoints.fpl and you go to the Flight Plan List page and push the IMPORT softkey, G3X will import these 2 User Waypoints into the User Waypoint database and you can then use them in flight plans for navigation.

I think you can see the possibilities here for creating a small database of user defined VRPs. As long as you hold onto the text file(s) that you created with these waypoints, you can reload them at any time so you don't have to worry about losing your good work.

Hope this helps,
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That's cool Steve!

If anyone doubts the fact that there is a group of honest-to-goodness homebuilder lurking within the corporate structure of "Big G", can you imagine the certified part of Garmin letting out database formats that look like CODE?! :)

I'm glad we've got guys like Steve and Matt on our side, workign from within to bring down the barriers....

Thanks Steve.
As it turns out I had tried that just prior to making that post. It didn't work but since you say it works I must have made an error.
I'll try again.
And FWIW.. I got it to work thanks.. my software I wrote to build the file was adding an extra ">" and I didn't spot it.

Its good to have this essential data in.. makes the whole kit so much more usable.


As you mention, G3X currently supports saving all the User Waypoints to the SD card in a .gpx format, but there is currently no support for reading that file back into the unit. Adding that capability is also on our want-to-do list.

There is, however, another mechanism for importing User Waypoints into G3X. Early last year we added the ability to import/export flight plans. This feature is described in the G3X Pilot Guide.

These files are saved with a .fpl extension on your SD card when you use the EXPORT function for a selected flight plan from the Flight Plan List page. Internally these files are actually text files using XML formatting.

If you Export a flight plan in your flight plan list which contains one or more User Waypoints, you will notice that they show up in the exported .fpl file listed in a waypoint table like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<flight-plan xmlns="http://www8.garmin.com/xmlschemas/FlightPlan/v1">
  <created>2012-02-08T12:19:40Z</created>  <waypoint-table>
      <type>USER WAYPOINT</type>
      <type>USER WAYPOINT</type>

So, if you have a text file with the above text on your SD card which is named, for example, waypoints.fpl and you go to the Flight Plan List page and push the IMPORT softkey, G3X will import these 2 User Waypoints into the User Waypoint database and you can then use them in flight plans for navigation.

I think you can see the possibilities here for creating a small database of user defined VRPs. As long as you hold onto the text file(s) that you created with these waypoints, you can reload them at any time so you don't have to worry about losing your good work.

Hope this helps,

After 3+ years, how are you guys dealing with this want-to-do list?