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Fuse Kit Packing List (rec'd someone else's)


Well Known Member
Here's a new one...when I began inventory of my fuse kit, discovered that the packing list was addressed to another builder although the crate was addressed to me. James S. Frierson are you out there? I left a message at the phone number on the packing list.

It's the weekend, so I haven't spoken to Van's yet.

Bretheren, how many troublesome possiblities are there?
I believe the parts for the "spar carry through" are matched to my wing spars.
They appear to have hand-written "serial numbers" on the Packing List, although the numbers on the parts do not match the list.

a) I've got the correct parts, just the wrong list?
b) I've got the wrong parts and the wrong list?

Yeesh, hopefully we can just ship each other the matched parts after sorting it out with Van's.
I indeed have your name on my packing list..... When inventorying, I didn't see anything that would be "serial number specific" but if you find out anything different just let me know and we'll swap boxes....

Just shoot me a PM....
Fuselage Kit IDs?

My fuselage kit had paperwork inside addressed to a person in Europe! I'm not too concerned as they also had my name on the outside of the fuselage box as Eliot Edwards!!! Must have been a Friday afternoon job. The carry thru parts had serial numbers on them and I think (can't remember for sure) that the spars had hand inscribed serial numbers. I expect everything to match up fine.:cool:
"Spars matched to spar carry through?"

Not sure I follow this unless the reference is just with regards to serial numbers Vans has on record. Unless I am missing something, there is no specific matching with the RV-12. Many of us received wing kits long before fuselage kits were even released so there is no way the spar carry through could have been matched to our wing spars.
Problem solved - Panic over.

I got an email from Tom Green (Van's) today.
He said that the parts with numbers "handwritten-engraved" on them are just serialized, not "matched" to their mating parts, i.e. everything should fit fine.

Also, he said that they pack and crate 2 kits at a time, so sure enough, Scott got my packing list and I got his. Whew! I was concerned about a 3, 4. or 5-way screw up. A simple 1-for-1 swap is...well...simple.

Lastly, he sent me a copy of my very own packing list which I compared to the Scott's. They are identical as far as I can tell, so...no worries!

Lastly (again), my concern about "matched" parts was due to previous RV-7 experience wherein you had to advise them if you ordered your wing kit seperately from the fuse and if you wanted to preserve the slow vs. fast build option so they could "match" the parts and hold them for you. This was about 6 years back, don't know if it's still required.

Anyway, one less reason to worry and one less reason to doubt my own sanity. It's been a good day!
