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Fuel tabnks finished (sorta)

Robert M

Well Known Member
Fuel tanks finished (sorta)

Well, I finally got the tanks done - sorta. The left tank had only 11 leaks in it. :eek: I have fixed all but two, and those I created while fixing the first eleven. :( The right tank sealed completely! I learned a lot from the left tank. :D Now its on to finishing the wings and storing them for a greater day.:cool:
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Well, I finally got the tanks done - sorta. The left tank had only 11 leaks in it. :eek:

That is some kind of record or anyone else hasn't have guts to tell about so many leaks. However is there any particular reason why you do have those leaks? Just wish to know is there something you did differently than others ending to this situation... Were the leaks all over the tank or in particular area? But it's nice to hear that you are proceeding -- keep building!
tank leaks

Don't scare me like this!

I finished my tanks and they passed the "balloon test".

I don't THINK they leak....but, its in the back of my mind.

I used more proseal than they recommend and tried my best to do a good job.

I was thinking about filling them with fuel (if only partially) just to make sure.

Paranoid, huh.

That is some kind of record or anyone else hasn't have guts to tell about so many leaks. However is there any particular reason why you do have those leaks? Just wish to know is there something you did differently than others ending to this situation... Were the leaks all over the tank or in particular area? But it's nice to hear that you are proceeding -- keep building!


Nearly every leak was along the baffle flange, top and bottom.:( The way this happened was a blunder on my part. I thought that I had placed the sealant close enough to the rivet line to create the squeegee affect to seal the baffle as it was slid into place. In my rush to try and get it done before the sealant cured (not necessary), I squeezed all of the flange rivets along the top and bottom of the flange. Then (and only then) did it dawn on me to look inside the inspection hole. Well, I saw where some of the sealant along the rear of the baffle wasn't even touching the baffle. I shoved what I could up against the rear of the baffle but that was only in that nearest bay. I knew I had more problems coming my way and I did. I'm amazed that any part of the flange sealed.

I have my worries that some of these areas will let loose after the plane has been bounced around in the air a bit. Learning from my mistakes, the right tank sealed completely on the first go'round.

There were two leaks around a couple of rivets on one rib. These rivets are impossible to shoot again with the gun because the tank is sealed. Van's said it would be okay to seal them with the AD-41H "sealed" blind rivets. These are the same rivets used to seal the baffle at the rear flange of the ribs except they're #30 sized rivets and the ribs are #40. Had to drill them out a bit. No way to re-dimple, the rivets stand up a bit. The blind rivets seem to have done quite well.

Van's also mentioned the idea of using one of the many loctite products to seal a very small seeping leak. I was going to have to create a vacuum to suck the Loctite fluid into the leaking area. I can't remember the specific Loctite product and I'm traveling right now. I will post that here when I get home. I will do what ever I possibly can to seal my tanks without cutting holes in the baffles. As a last resort only.

Daver, don't be nervous - if your tanks sealed when you checked them then most likely they're still sealed.

I'm sure others have had leaks - maybe not 11 - but if I had done my left tank the way I did my right - there wouldn't have been 11 leaks only the two, those two rivets. I just screwed up. I probably wouldn't have even mentioned them. I guess this will be good information for those that have yet to build their tanks.