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Fuel Flow high with Floscan.


Well Known Member
Most all posts deal with Low Fuel Pressure. My problem at various times Fuel Flow will go crazy high , indications on last flight were anywhere between normal …..
to 25 to 60 to over 100 at one point. I thought it might have fixed itself after about 15 minutes. However after entering pattern the indications came back high , even at the lower power settings. Taxi it was still reading high …25 to 40. My normal pressure cruising if I don’t lean is @ 11 gph. Fuel Pressure normal.
Engine running normal…. No obvious signs of fuel leak or smell
O-360, carb, Dynon Touch monitor. IMG_2229.jpegIMG_2234.png
Fuel flow and pressure aren’t same thing. If you are concerned about what fuel flow is reporting, it is very often a sensor issue. My understanding is its a little wheel spinning in the floscan unit, and debris or just worn/wearing out may give you varying result. Fuel pressure per most sources, for a lycoming like yours is .5 to 8 psi. You mentioned fuel PRESSURE is 11gph if not leaning…..that is flow….just pointing out the conflicting words
Looks like it's mounted FWF - could it be getting hot and getting vapor in it? Less likely if it has worked fine up until now, in which case I would lean toward a sensor or wiring issue.
Most are mounted FWF and heat shouldn’t be a problem at that location.
However, they are not supposed to be “hard mounted”. They are supposed to be “suspended” between fuel lines. At least that is what my instructions show.
I suspect your Floscan is failing.
There is a test tool available from JPI and probably others that you can plug into for diagnostics, but…..
Also, it appears there is some type of sealant on the fittings. This will kill a floscan and is not recommended.
Thanks for inputs. Yes I meant normal FF no leaning is around 11. It's worked fine up until now., 1300 hours. I ve heard cleaning it out maybe of the debris might help.
Thanks for inputs. Yes I meant normal FF no leaning is around 11. It's worked fine up until now., 1300 hours. I ve heard cleaning it out maybe of the debris might help.
They are a “jewel movement“ like, they work or they get replaced, not something you can open up and clean from my thinking.