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Fuel Filter?


Well Known Member
I know that the leading cause of experimental aircraft incidents/accidents is fuel related issues. Do people install fuel filters? Other than the link below, I cant really find much in the line of fuel filters for aircraft.

I know big diesel equipment that has spin on fuel filters, and cars seem to all have fuel filters. Seems like that would bee a good idea on a plane.

I notice that this filter is only for carurated engines. What do people do about injected engines? I had an extremely rough running engine in a Mooney a few months ago from a clogged fuel injector. Again, seems like a fuel filter probably would have prevented that. Any insight is appreciated.

There is a mesh screen in the gascolators that serves this purpose, as well as the option to use an inline fuel filter. Search the forum for "andair wing root gascolator" and you will find a bunch of info.
since tom answered for carbs, i will pick up injection.

if one follows the plans from Vans, you wind up with 2 finger screens. One is located near the boost pump and one is part of the injection servo.

Without maintenance induced failure, I have yet to figure out how Bendix style injectors can get clogged by foreign material since the finger screen in the servo is a mesh that is very fine. The 0.028" opening in the injector nozzle is a canyon sized hole by comparison.
On the EFII system, there is a pre pump filter and then a HP filter after the pumps, I am getting 45 GPH after both these filters and the pressure regulator. my gascolator will be the tank sumps.
Fuel System related

I know that the leading cause of experimental aircraft incidents/accidents is fuel related issues.

That may be so but how many of these accidents are directly related to a fuel filter issues?
There are many choices for both carbed and injected engine installations.
I can't speak for others but Airflow Performance sells the one they recommend.
I have one each for the left and right fuel tank and I had the same for my previously owned RV-8 mounted in the wing root.

Fuel system related accidents include installation mistakes, leaky fittings,
vapor lock issues, fuel starvation and contamination issues among others.
Fuel Filters

Lots of discussion in the archives about fuel filters/gascolators for both carbureted and injected engines.

Have a look at this thread, my comments in post #11

Van's sells components/systems for both carbureted and injected engines that have long service history. If you decide you need specific features not offered in these systems, you need to do LOTS of research.