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Fresh air vents location RV4

Ted Farmin

Well Known Member
Would like to know where the best location for fresh air vents on the 4.
I am thinking about installing them on the canopy skirts, would appreciate
input from experienced users.
Don't start cuttin' yet! I've not done mine yet, but I have heard that the skirts do not work well without v.g.'s. Hopefully we'll both get some good advice on the subject.

Steve Zicree
RV4 Finishing (yeah right!)
RV4 Fresh air vents

Ted Farmin said:
Would like to know where the best location for fresh air vents on the 4.
I am thinking about installing them on the canopy skirts, would appreciate
input from experienced users.

Hi Ted

The wisdom from those who have tried the canopy skirts is that they don't work very well there. I put one flush vent in the side, just below the cowl cheek extention and ran a two inch scat tube to a eyeball vent on the panel. Works very well. Even the prop blast on a hot day gets some air moving in the cockpit. I only have the one, but in flight if I adjust just right, I get half the blast on my face, and the rest hits the backseater in the face. Others have put them under the wings. Outboard a bit to make sure you avoid exhaust and run the scat tube to vents where ever you want. I think this would work better for back seat vent. The one on the side works well for the front.

Joe Hine
".. I put one flush vent in the side, just below the cowl cheek extention and ran a two inch scat tube to a eyeball vent on the panel."

Mine is located in the same place described above, on the starboard side, and the amount of air is impressive.
I used NACA scoopes mounted just below the cheek fairings. They run to vents on the extreme lower ends of my instrument panel. Very good airflow here.

I've also heard that people have had good experiences puting NACA scoops under each wing and then routing the scat tube into cockpit. Extremely good airflow.

I assume you have a vent in the lower corners of the panel. Is it adequate for the back seater, or do you think I need something routed to the rear?

Steve Zicree

For sure don't bother installing a scoop on the side of the canopy fairing. I flew my friends "4" yesterday for a couple of hours and I just baked in the clear skies. After every flight I got out of the cockpit totally drenched. I opened up the little NACA scoop right next to my face and it was like baby's breath on my cheek????

Cheers, Pete
canopy vents

I have two NACA vents....one on the starboard side below the cheek cowl and ahead of the leading edge (for front seat), and one on the bottom of the starboard wing second bay aft of the front spar (for rear seat). They both will blow your hat off.... :D
szicree said:

I assume you have a vent in the lower corners of the panel. Is it adequate for the back seater, or do you think I need something routed to the rear?

Steve Zicree

My wife told me to close them a couple of weeks ago in flight because she was too cold. She could feel the breeze just fine. Now mind you, she's always cold so your mileage may vary.